Health > Diet

Congee with Carrot, Mushroom and Shrimp


Health > Diet

Congee with Carrot, Mushroom and Shrimp

This porridge is rich and delicious. It is suitable for the whole family, both young and old. It is very delicious~ May 18, 2024

About the recipes

This porridge is rich and delicious. It is suitable for the whole family, both young and old. It is very delicious~


The porridge cooked with carrot, mushroom and shrimp is very nutritious.
Carrots contain potassium succinate, which helps prevent arteriosclerosis, lower cholesterol and lower blood pressure. Folic acid in carrots can reduce the risk factors of coronary heart disease, and also has a cardiotonic effect. Eating an appropriate amount of shrimp can make the body absorb nutrients relatively stably, help improve immunity, promote metabolism in the body, and maintain normal operation of the body.
Shrimp is rich in amino acid, protein, cholesterol and other ingredients. Eating shrimp can supplement human nutrition.
Lentinus edodes contain vitamins, carbohydrates, mineral elements and other ingredients, which can supplement the nutrients needed by the body after eating. Eating three kinds of food together has a positive effect on keeping people healthy and strengthening their physique.



200 g shrimp
appropriate amount   Scallion
appropriate amount   green soya beans
appropriate amount   Carrot
3   mushrooms
appropriate amount   ginger
appropriate amount   Corn


Cooking Steps

1、Ingredients: green beans, mushrooms, shredded ginger, corn kernels, carrot kernels

2、Remove the head and feet of prawns, and wash the prawns. Add proper amount of oil, salt, soy sauce, pepper and ginger to marinate for 10 minutes

3、The shrimp head is boiled into shrimp oil. Here is the essence of this pot of congee. It's super delicious when cooked

4、Add some water and boil

5、Add the cleaned rice, add the shrimp oil and water just now, and cook for 20 minutes. The porridge rice will slowly become larger and thicker

6、Then we add ingredients and cook for ten minutes

7、At the last step, add the salted shrimps and cook for another 2 minutes. Add a little salt to taste

8、The delicious shrimp porridge is ready! It is suitable for all ages and rich in nutrition. Little sisters should do it
