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The largest bee in the world


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The largest bee in the world

In human impression, bees are often not large, flying between flowers, very lightweight. At present, more than 100,000 bees have been widely distributed around the world. Although most of these bees are relatively small, do you know what is the largest bee in the world? Jul 12, 2024

The morphological characteristics of the largest bee in the world-black bee bee

Black Bee is the largest type of bee in human bee -family bee. Because they are most common in the snowy mountains around the Himalayas, they live on the rocks, so they have the name of Himalayan bee. The abdomen of the black bee bee is relatively slender, all of which are dark brown, and the spots on the body are unevenly thick and the maximum body length is 2 cm. The mapping eyes are large, the abdomen is black, and there is no red -brown spots on the body. The maximum stadium is 17 mm, which is slightly smaller than the bee.



The biological habits of black bees

The biological habits of black bees are very special. They like group living. They can often see more than ten groups of black bees living on the same cliffs, which is relatively rare in the sealing department. Black bees like to live on rocks 30 to 40 meters from the ground. As a kind of wild bee, the black bee is very aggressive and may even actively attack, so try to avoid irritating them. Black bees interviewed the family of Rhododendron, and other types are also common.



The economic value of black bee

Black bees are common in Nepal, Bhutan, northeast of India, and southern Tibet in China, western and southern Yunnan and southern Yunnan. Although they are stronger, their honey picking ability is far exceeding ordinary bees. Holding honey 20 to 40 kg has high economic value. At the same time, Black Bee has also made a significant contribution to the pollination of plants such as Himalayas and other places. It is the most important way to pollution in local plants, which greatly ensures the growth and reproduction of local plants. It is an indispensable part of the local biological chain. Essence
