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The world's largest single-horned rhinoceros: Indian rhinoceros


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The world's largest single-horned rhinoceros: Indian rhinoceros

Today the world's largest land creatures belong to the elephant, the rhinoceros can only be second. Indian rhinoceros is currently the world's largest single-horned rhinoceros, the longest can reach 4.2 meters, is also the tallest of all rhinoceros species, it belongs to a primitive rhinoceros, long with very thick rhinoceros horn, the longest up to 60 cm, and the most special is the body is full of folds, the body will be divided into armor-like. Jul 26, 2024

The largest single-horned rhinoceros in the world

Indian rhinoceros physical characteristics

Indian rhinoceros is also known as the great one-horned rhinoceros, is currently the world's largest single-horned rhinoceros, body length up to 4.2 meters, and shoulder height is up to 1.86 meters, so it is also the world's tallest rhinoceros species, of course, in addition to a long 60 cm rhinoceros horn, and other rhinoceros is the biggest difference is that the whole body is covered with folds, but the area between the folds is very large, and full of stud-like Small protrusions, it looks like a layer of armor, in fact, the inner layer of its folded skin is very delicate, very afraid of being bitten by mosquitoes and insects, the special degree comparable to the rare two-horned rhinoceros - Sumatran rhinoceros.



Habitat of the Indian rhinoceros

Indian rhinoceros is mainly distributed in Nepal, India and Pakistan and other areas, concentrated in the savanna, bushes, sometimes also in the vicinity of the reeds or swampy grassland, which also has a relationship with its food. In fact, in the history of China's Himalayas near also have a certain distribution, but later due to the Indian rhinoceros continued to decline, resulting in their survival range is getting smaller and smaller, now only 3200.



Habits of the Indian rhinoceros

Indian rhinoceros basically live alone, especially at night and early in the morning when they are most active, when they also prefer to forage, do not look at its large size, clumsy movements, but in fact it can run up to 55 kilometers per hour, and their temperament is very irritable, and will even take the initiative to attack the slightly smaller Asian elephants or cubs, and even a lot of injuries have occurred, which is mainly because This is mainly due to their strong territorial awareness.

Indian rhinoceros also because of the large size, so the amount of food is also very large, it is said that although it is eating grass, but each foraging needs to eat at least 23 kg of food, which is also very many kinds, its favorite is sugar cane, of course, there are other fruits and leaves, etc., sometimes also chew reeds, fine branches, etc., especially in the winter when food is lacking, so 20% of their food are woody plants.

