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The world's largest egg Guinness World Record: 8 cm long, weighing about 160 grams


Anecdote > Odd

The world's largest egg Guinness World Record: 8 cm long, weighing about 160 grams

As one of the indispensable foods in our daily diet, eggs are eaten in a variety of ways. The Guinness World Record for the largest egg in the world is 160 grams, which is three times the size of an ordinary egg. Sep 15, 2024

The discovery of the world's largest egg

According to media reports, this giant egg born in the UK in June 2006 broke a new record by breaking the 156-gram giant egg from 2004. Before that, the egg laid by an old hen for a Ukrainian farmer was about 7.5 cm long and weighed 156 grams. If the egg was laid horizontally, it would look like a rugby ball.

The great hen that gave birth to this giant is called Harriet, not an old hen that has produced more than one. Its owner, Tony, told reporters that he is not a professional breeder, but a full-time driver. To start raising chickens or a few years ago, but all these years to raise the hens are the same as ordinary hens, never laid a huge egg.

Tony says Harriet is not an old hen, she is only 6 months old. She has only just started laying eggs, but she seems to be particularly good at it. Tony says Harriet usually eats leaves and potatoes, the same as other hens. From the chickens, there is nothing special about her.


The nutrition of eggs

Were there eggs or chickens in the world first? This is also a question for the ages. Regardless of this, the nutritional value of eggs, which are rich in protein, is the favorite of many elderly people and children. Because the protein and lecithin in eggs are very good brain food, can promote brain development. One poached or fried egg per day has only half the calories of an apple or a small glass of milk. However, the nutrients it contains are essential and easily absorbed by the body, so it is especially important to supplement eggs.

