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The world's largest apple: World No. 1 apple weighs three pounds


Anecdote > Odd

The world's largest apple: World No. 1 apple weighs three pounds

The world's largest apple is a variety from Aomori, Japan, called World No. 1 apple. This fruit has an attractive smell, round shape, white pulp, very crisp and juicy, and is not only big enough, but also sells for a good price. May 13, 2024

The largest apple in the world


Characteristics of World No.1 apple

The World No. 1 apple is famous in China and abroad because of its large size. [bai] According to statistics, the weight of each of these apples is more than one pound, and the largest apple can reach 3 pounds a piece, enough for a person to eat for 3 days, far from ordinary apples can be compared. But the large size does not affect the taste of the world's first apple, it is even more refreshing and sweet than other ordinary apples. The World's First Apple is very round in shape, its pulp is white, and it is very rich in sugar. Because of its high quality, the World's First Apple is very expensive, and one apple can even be sold for several hundred dollars.


The growing environment of the World No. 1 apple

The World No. 1 apple is one of the top ten most expensive fruits in the world. It is produced in Aomori, Japan, the world-famous source of Fuji apples, which are famous for their sweetness, crispness and juiciness, as well as the fact that the soil, air and climate are perfect for growing apples. Thanks to the success of the Fuji apple, the people of Aomori have developed and nurtured the world's number one apple. It is a great place to grow apples because of its excellent environment, abundant sunshine, fertile soil, and the moist air of the sea on three sides.

This apple from pruning to harvesting the complex process is done by hand; safety standards are also the world's most stringent pesticide testing standards to ensure the safety of food; in the transportation process, the whole air conditioning, dormant state of cold chain transport, is completely greenhouse flowers, because of this extreme requirements, so that the world's largest apple is famous. This is also destined to the world's largest apple is not the average person will be able to consume, according to the previous price of 38 U.S. dollars a pound to calculate, the average family is daunted.

The world's number one apple was diligently cultivated by the hardworking people of Aomori. They first raise seedlings for apple trees and divide the area according to the quality of the seedlings. Generally, the thicker the rootstock of the seedlings, the better the quality of the seedlings and the better the taste of the fruits they touch. After the seedlings are finished, they need to be soaked in water for one day, which can also effectively improve the survival rate of the apple seedlings. After soaking, the seedlings are ready to be planted. After that, they need to be fertilized, watered, and carefully taken care of.




