In yoga practice, worship style can be said to be a very basic set of exercises, but for beginners, it is still difficult to practice worship style well. Today let's see what we need to pay attention to when practicing the bhajans.
1. Pay attention to the standing posture
Mountain pose is a simple pose and standing it well is a good place to start , for beginners the standing position should be one foot away from the front edge of the mat. Make sure this point to start and end each round of bhajana. This will help you keep your body aligned throughout the process.
2. Start slowly & gradually increase the speed
Start slowly with the first 2 sets (i.e. 4 rounds) of bhajans. Here, hold each pose for 8 to 9 seconds for a good stretch and muscle workout. For the next 3 rounds, switch to medium speed bhajans. Here, hold each asana for 3 to 4 seconds. It provides similar benefits to aerobic exercise.
Fast bhajans help burn excess body fat. Each pose is held for 1 to 2 seconds. Faster bhajans are suitable as a warm-up exercise.
3. Link breathing to movement
Breathing is the universal key to unlocking the treasures of the bhajana practice. As you move from one asana to another, try to synchronize your breath with the movement, i.e. the breath should be like "inhale to exhale" or "exhale to inhale". It is called vinyasa flow.
Then remember this "inhale to exhale" or "exhale to inhale" point of gaze.
When you enter an asana and your gaze is shifted upward or your body is extended - there will be an inhale. For example, arm raise pose, cobra, etc.
Contrary to the above, when the gaze shifts downward or the body contracts, there is an exhalation. For example, in downward dog pose, standing forward bend, etc.
4. Meditate on a specific chakra in each asana
Each posture of the worship style stimulates a specific chakra. In this way, you can focus on a specific chakra in each asana.
Prayer Pose: Heart Chakra
Arms Up Pose: Throat Chakra
Standing forward bend: Root chakra
Low Lunge: Brow Chakra
Downward Facing Dog Pose: Navel Chakra
Eight Body Pose: Sacral Chakra
Cobra Pose: Top Chakra
5. Avoid over-practicing
A common mistake that beginners make is that they try to adapt to the asanas completely, regardless of physical limitations. In the beginning, you can avoid injuries by modifying the asanas.
In bhajana, you can avoid many injuries by modifying the asanas instead of overtraining in the basic asanas. For example, deep stretching of the lumbar spine in the arm-up pose can cause injuries to the lower back. Therefore, arm raises are sufficient for beginners, and backbends are slowly added after proficiency. Chair yoga bhajana can be practiced without restriction.
After completing the bhajana, you should relax properly. The relaxation of the stretcher pose after bhajana should take 20-25% of your entire practice. For example, if the length of bhajana is 1 hour, it should be at least 15 minutes.
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