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Six killers of non-growing muscles


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Six killers of non-growing muscles

Why is muscle growth slow when you jerk hard? There are several killers that affect muscle growth, see how many of them you account for? Jul 13, 2024

Why is muscle growth slow when you jerk hard? There are several killers that affect muscle growth, see how many of them you account for?


1, the weight level remains the same for a long time


The weight suitable for newcomers and veterans is different. People who have just started working out have weaker muscle strength and can only start with a low weight level so that they are not prone to injury.

As time passes, the muscles will grow and the strength level will increase. The same weight level will no longer be able to stimulate the muscles to continue developing and the fitness will gradually fall into a bottleneck.

This time we need to adjust the training plan, further increase the weight level, shorten the group interval, give training to enhance the difficulty, so as to enhance the muscle growth rate.

2No reasonable distribution of muscle groups training


There is a difference between strength training and aerobic exercise, and you don't get better results by working the same muscle groups every day.

Muscle growth doesn't happen during training, it happens at rest. Muscles are in a state of tear after strength training and need to absorb nutrients in order to grow. It takes 3 days for large muscle groups and 2 days for small muscle groups to move on to the next round of training.

Therefore, muscle gain efficiency, we need to combine work and rest, can not exercise the same muscle group every day, otherwise muscle growth efficiency will decline instead.

3, often drink and smoke


Usually always drink and smoke people, fitness efficiency will also be greatly reduced. The actual fact is that you will be able to get a lot more than just a few of the most popular and popular items.

The liver will be harmed by drinking, anesthesia nerves, will affect the secretion of growth hormone, resulting in muscle growth is inhibited, not conducive to training a large muscle mass.

In order to enhance the effect of muscle gain, we must stay away from life vices, quit the habit of drinking and smoking, and learn to eat healthy in order to train fuller muscles.

4, ignore the nutrition supplement

If you want to build a big muscle mass, then the nutritional supplements are not to be ignored. During muscle building, the body's demand for protein will be elevated, with an average of 1.5-1.8g of protein per kilogram of body weight to provide amino acid raw materials to the muscles, as well as carbohydrates to power muscle synthesis.

Therefore, about 30 minutes after the gym, we need to supplement appropriate carbohydrates with protein, such as protein powder, boiled eggs with whole wheat bread, calories in about 200 calories, so as to enhance the rate of muscle synthesis, at this time, the chances of fat accumulation is also the lowest, without fear of growing fat.

5, neglected to train legs


Many fitness novices only pay attention to the training of the upper body, ignoring the training of the lower body. And the leg muscle group is the body's largest muscle group, is the source of power, will affect the fitness efficiency.

Fitness training legs can be very painful, but the significance of training legs is very great. Fitness without leg training makes it difficult to improve strength levels, muscle development tends to bottleneck and it is difficult to get a satisfactory body.

When working out, we should arrange leg training at least once a week, starting with compound movements such as deep squats, lunge squats and hip thrusts, which can stimulate muscle development.
