Health > Diet

Braised river eel


Health > Diet

Braised river eel

Eel is rich in nutrients and has the effect of nourishing blood and removing dampness. It is also a good tonic for people with anemia and weakness. Not only that, it is also rich in protein and various essential amino acids for human body, so braised eel is a particularly good choice. Now I will introduce this dish to you. Sep 04, 2024

About the recipes

Eel is rich in nutrients and has the effect of nourishing blood and removing dampness. It is also a good tonic for people with anemia and weakness. Not only that, it is also rich in protein and various essential amino acids for human body, so braised eel is a particularly good choice. Now I will introduce this dish to you.


Nourish deficiency and nourish blood, dispel dampness, maintain health, protect liver, restore energy, and prevent cardiovascular disease



1   river eel
appropriate amount   Garlic
appropriate amount   Scallion
appropriate amount   Ginger slices
appropriate amount   soy sauce
appropriate amount   salt
appropriate amount   Crystal sugar
appropriate amount   Oyster sauce
appropriate amount   Water starch soy sauce


Cooking Steps

1、Prepare garlic, shallots and ginger slices.


2、The internal organs of river eels are taken out and their bodies are washed. Prepare 80 ℃ hot water to water the eel skin.


3、Remove a layer of mucus from the eel. If the hot water does not burn down, use a knife to scrape it slowly.


4、Then switch the eel into segments

5、Pour more oil into the pan. Other ingredients are put in together to stir fry

6、Stir fry the river eels.

7、Add cooking wine, soy sauce, oyster sauce and stir fry

8、Pour in water, boil and add rock sugar. Continue to simmer for 20-30 minutes


9、Finally, add the starch to thicken the sauce and remove from the pot.





