Anecdote > Odd

The world's longest cake: 6,500 meters in length, weighing 27,000 kg


Anecdote > Odd

The world's longest cake: 6,500 meters in length, weighing 27,000 kg

Hundreds of bakers and chefs gathered in southern India to create the world's longest cake, which has an overall length of 6,500 meters. It took a total of four hours to complete the entire production process, and finally presented a vanilla cake weighing 27,000 kilograms. Nov 30, 2023

The world's longest cake

In Kerala, India, the local baking association jointly organized such a huge baking event, when a lot of spectators gathered to watch, because they made the world's longest cake, the whole circle into at least eight or nine circles to be placed in the courtyard, it is said that the chefs used 12,000 kg of sugar and flour on thousands of tables together to make a 10 cm wide It is said that the chefs used 12,000 kg of sugar and flour on thousands of tables to create a vanilla cake that was 10 cm wide and weighed about 27,000 kg.

You may be wondering how such a long cake was made. This 6.5 kilometers long cake is divided into small pieces of small pieces of patchwork, when the whole 1500 pastry chefs wearing neat chef's hat to make, each person is responsible for a small section of the cake in front of them, but after the application of cream, the cake is completely invisible signs of connection, which is why it is only 10 cm wide.

Of course, in order to make such a long piece of cake also spent a lot of tables to hold, the table was all laid out in a continuous circle, the final display of a total of a thousand tables were used to successfully put down the cake, and the entire production process lasted four hours of time, but at the time there was no Guinness World Records staff for accurate measurement, and 6500 meters of length data is only Guinness estimates, but it is also considered a remarkable feat.

