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The only island where women are forbidden to enter: The Athos Peninsula


Anecdote > Odd

The only island where women are forbidden to enter: The Athos Peninsula

Although gender equality has become the consensus of most countries in the world, there is still a place in the world where women are strictly forbidden to enter, where is such a strange place? The only island where women are forbidden to enter: the Athos Peninsula does not allow smoking and drinking, let's take a look! Dec 11, 2023

The only island where women are forbidden to enter

This is the Athos Peninsula, located in the Greek region, and the only island in the world where women are forbidden to enter. The Athos Peninsula has a pleasant climate and fresh air, which is heartwarming and ideal for living in a developed city full of haze and car exhaust. The Athos Peninsula is not very large, covering an area of roughly 360 square kilometers, yet it houses a population of nearly 15,000. The majority of the inhabitants are Christian, and even the color of the houses is gray and white. Since most of the inhabitants are religious, there are more than 20 monasteries, with nearly 1,000 monks, making it a typical area of monastic politics.

The large number of monks is not the main feature of the Athos peninsula, and a closer look by tourists will show that there are no women here. In addition, there are no females on the island, except for hens, who need eggs for nutrition. In addition to these, the island clearly states that no unauthorized singing and playing of musical instruments, no smoking or drinking, and no use of technology are allowed. The monks on the island are living an ascetic life in peace and quiet.

In this way, the Athos peninsula became the domain of men, who were the masters of the place, and no women had any say in their practices, living as the most authoritative. But there was no entertainment on the island, and the monks went about their day in this "muddle". Sunrise, sunset, wake up and repeat the same work as yesterday, life is very monotonous. For today's amateur life surrounded by a variety of habits for us, may be unbearable, and then stay a minute more grumpy scratching hair, but these for the monks have long been used to.

Since there is no woman's presence here, everything is decided by men, a typical male "society". No one dares to disobey what is said, no one dares to refuse, no one disagrees with it. This strong power makes many men who need to listen to their wives in real life feel like a dream. In their eyes, men in the Athos Peninsula must have a very good time and want to go to the Athos Peninsula to experience what it is like to command others.

The large number of monks is not the main feature of the Athos peninsula, and a closer look by tourists will show that there are no women here. In addition, there are no females on the island, except for hens, who need eggs for nutrition. In addition to these, the island clearly states that no unauthorized singing and playing of musical instruments, no smoking or drinking, and no use of technology are allowed. The monks on the island are living an ascetic life in peace and quiet.

The island is closed to traffic and travel is very difficult. It takes a long hike to get to the island, and climbing the mountainous and broken paths is bumpy and heartbreaking. In addition, there is no signage or anything like that, walking on the winding road, lost is common. In addition, into the island do not think they are the boss, to see the monks remain polite, after all, this is a monastic political area.

