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The world's largest spa country


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The world's largest spa country

Hot springs are mineral water that comes out of the ground naturally or is obtained by artificial drilling and the water temperature is ≥25℃ and contains trace elements that are beneficial to human health. Hot springs have a long history, so do you know which country is the world's largest hot spring country? May 03, 2024

The world's largest hot spring country - Japan

Types of hot springs in Japan

There are a large number of hot springs in the ground in Japan, and the hot springs in different places have different effects. Like the more famous Kusatsu Onsen, its most distinctive feature is that the spring water is strongly acidic. The advantage of this spring water is that it is antiseptic and has some medicinal effects, and can treat some mild skin diseases. However, the spring water of Kusatsu Onsen is not directly usable because the initial temperature of the water here is very high and there is no way to bathe directly.

There is also the very famous Ikaho Hot Spring, which has a sweet water that can be used for both bathing and drinking. The spring water is rich in iron, which can improve blood circulation after entering the body and can effectively improve anemia in women. In addition to this function, this spring water also has a beauty effect. And because it has the effect of improving a woman's body cold, many women with infertility become easily conceived after soaking in this spring.


Benefits of Japanese hot springs

There are various types of hot springs in Japan with different effects, and they bring very great benefits to the local people in Japan. In Japan, not only do people often bathe in hot springs, but they can also use the water in hot springs to make tea or drink it directly. Hot springs are rich in trace elements that are beneficial to human health, so drinking hot spring water is very beneficial to human health. Because of the richness and diversity of Japanese hot springs, they also attract people from all over the world and bring a great boost to the Japanese economy.
