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The world's highest jumping fish: Atlantic salmon can jump up a 3.7-meter-high waterfall


Anecdote > Odd

The world's highest jumping fish: Atlantic salmon can jump up a 3.7-meter-high waterfall

Fish can do free jumping and flying on the water surface, which is the instinct of fish. However, fish leap out of the water for "high jump" action, not entirely by the role of fins. Fish jump up high, is with the help of the fish's own muscles. Especially the tail muscles of the strong movement caused. The highest known fish in the world is the Atlantic salmon, which is commonly known as "salmon", in fact, its Latin name means "jumper", according to records, the Atlantic salmon once jumped up to 3.7 meters high waterfall. In addition, there are some sailfish and stingrays have jumped to 3 meters. Jun 04, 2024

The highest jumping fish in the world: Atlantic salmon

The Atlantic salmon, whose original habitat is the northern Atlantic Ocean, i.e. the northeastern part of North America and the coast of Scandinavia in Europe, is a genetically stable fish with high nutritional value that is farmed worldwide. During every September and February, Atlantic salmon swim back to their birthplace by following the scent, which is often located in the upper reaches of rivers, so as soon as they swim away from the sea, they will start a journey upstream, requiring constant jumps through waterfalls or dams in rivers, and the need for reproduction makes them jump up to 3.7 meters waterfalls, the best jumping score for fish.

Many people think that flying fish and dolphins are the highest jump, but dolphins do not belong to fish, it is a marine mammal, and flying fish is the use of fins to glide, so it can not be considered jumping, and Atlantic salmon because every year must migrate to freshwater rivers to spawn, and during this period will certainly encounter steep cliffs or waterfalls, so this requires their jumping ability must be absolutely first-class.



Habitat of Atlantic salmon

The Atlantic salmon is native to the northern Atlantic Ocean and has become a delicacy on people's tables due to its high nutritional value, and has become one of the most farmed fish. Atlantic salmon is a typical migratory species, they are born in fresh water and live in rivers from 1 to 5 years old, but it depends on the temperature of the river, the southern Atlantic salmon usually starts to swim to the sea at 1 year old, while the northern ones are colder and start to swim back to the sea only at 4 years old, usually from March to June every year.

When they reach the breeding stage, they begin to migrate, when the Atlantic salmon are big enough to stop being afraid of birds and feed mainly on squid, sweet shrimp and herring. They have a strong sense of territoriality and will unconsciously form groups when they leave their basin, attacking other alien fish species and even their own kind.



