Why whales don't attack humans: little contact with humans
Whales are very large, but when people meet whales by boat at sea they usually do not take the initiative to attack, so why do whales not attack people? In fact, whales generally live in the deep sea, usually it is very difficult to encounter humans, and human contact opportunities are not much, so there is no big conflict. And although whales look huge, but their food is mainly some small fish and shrimp, some whales do not even have teeth, so usually they will not take the initiative to attack humans.
Do orcas really not eat humans?
We know that killer whales have the title of killer whales, but in fact, the orcas in the ocean do not actively attack humans, those who attack humans are captured by humans and trained for animal shows. The orcas encounter high intensity training, long-term captivity makes their temperament changed, so they will attack humans, the general orcas are also very close to humans, so the orcas are not eaten. And the orca's main food is the fierce shark, and will not capture humans, it is said that sometimes orcas will take the initiative to help humans, so it will become the star creature in the whale.
The largest whale in history than the blue whale
Now the world's largest animal has been found is the whale, including the blue whale is one of the largest whales, and it is said that the history of the Earth there are larger creatures than the blue whale, that is, the famous North Sea giant demon Kraken, it is said to be a real animal, a hundred times larger than the blue whale, and can even swallow the sperm whale, which can also imagine how big this Kraken in the end.
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