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How big is the world's largest squirrel?


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How big is the world's largest squirrel?

Squirrels are a relatively common animal, they usually shuttle between the woods, with small limbs and long fluffy tail, small head with round eyes, looks very cute, but not all squirrels are relatively small and cute Jan 14, 2025

How big is the largest squirrel in the world

The world's largest is said to be the giant squirrel, which is also called the tree dog, black civet, vine civet, black fruit civet, black giant squirrel or Malayan giant squirrel, a large rodent, so how big is the world's largest squirrel? The giant squirrel reaches a body length of about one meter, a tail alone is about fifty centimeters, and can weigh up to 2 kilograms, like a large rabbit, making it the big man in the squirrel world. However, the giant squirrel is not a common animal, but a nationally protected animal that is in danger of extinction.


Giant Squirrel

Giant squirrels live mainly in southeastern Asia, but are also found in southern and western Yunnan, southern Guangxi, Hainan and Tibet. Giant squirrels because of the amazing jumping power so will not easily come down to the ground, usually giant squirrels are solitary, only occasionally with their companions in the same tree to feed, generally giant squirrels are daytime activities, noon will rest, which is a little similar to humans.


The rarest squirrel in the world

The rarest squirrel in the world should be the black squirrel. According to the information published in BMC Evolutionary Biology, it is possible that the black squirrel is a squirrel bred from the gray squirrel and the fox squirrel, because the black squirrel inherited the defective pigment gene from the fox squirrel, so the color of the black squirrel's fur is much darker than its parents, and therefore is the rarest squirrel.
