Good Things > Kitchenware

Pick a chopping board that suits your needs, so you can cook with ease


Good Things > Kitchenware

Pick a chopping board that suits your needs, so you can cook with ease

Good design is not to look good, but to provide a better life, this is what design is all about - the art of cutting board journey Oct 18, 2024

1: looks like a traditional case, but slightly modified to facilitate the design of many

2: and storage in one, suitable for the daily love of vegetarian friends

3: Natural material, that simple little board, is really too sweet. You no longer have to worry about the inconvenience of carrying all kinds of small spices on a big board.

4: Recommend this case board to the boys who love cleanliness

5: Organized classification control, the case board is not the second choice

6: Case and knife combination, the most simple and effective design

7: This board can be instantly transformed into a draining basket for washing vegetables and fruits.
