Health > Diet

Yam Pie


Health > Diet

Yam Pie

Yam is made into small cakes, nourishing the stomach and strengthening the spleen, and it is very soft and suitable for babies older than 12 months. Jul 03, 2024

About the recipes

Yam is made into small cakes, nourishing the stomach and strengthening the spleen, and it is very soft and suitable for babies older than 12 months.



Chinese yam mainly helps to strengthen the spleen and stomach and reduce fat and burn fat. It can be served as enhancing kidney, soothing the nerves, improving intelligence and nourishing blood.



200 g Yam
30 g Egg
150 g Flour
2 g Yeast
15 g White sugar


Cooking Steps

1、Peel the yam and cook


2、Take 130 grams of steamed yam to make mud, put it in a cool place, add sugar, yeast powder and eggs, mix well


3、After mixing well, add flour and stir until there is no dry powder


4、Knead into dough and roll into a thicker crust


5、Use a small cup to make a small round cake, cover with plastic wrap and ferment to twice the size


6、Brush the pan with a thin oil and heat to two golden colors


  • 2 years ago

    Looking good yummy?