Health > Diet

Healthy and Skincare Soup Made of Tremella, Barley and Lotus Seed


Health > Diet

Healthy and Skincare Soup Made of Tremella, Barley and Lotus Seed

Not sleeping well? Dry skin in spring? Then try this white fungus barley lotus seed soup with beautifying effects. The method is simple and the ingredients ents are easy to get. Such a healthy soup is essential for keeping fit in spring. Jul 11, 2024

About the recipes

Not sleeping well? Dry skin in spring? Then try this white fungus barley lotus seed soup with beautifying effects. The method is simple and the ingredients ents are easy to get. Such a healthy soup is essential for keeping fit in spring.



Tremella can prevent the loss of calcium. It has the effects of nourishing yin and clearing heat and moisturizing, serving as the bird’s nest among the poor. Coix seed could diminish swelling, strengthen the spleen and reduce diarrhea, and whiten the skin. And lotus seeds have the functions of clearing heat and reducing fire, lowering blood pressure, and promoting sleep.



20 g Red Bean
50 g Lotus seed
100 g Tremella
100 g Coix seed


Cooking Steps

1、Wash the red beans and barley kernels and soak for two hours.


2、Wash the lotus seeds


3、Add all ingredients to the casserole. Add an appropriate amount of water to the casserole and start cooking. Start by stirring to prevent the ingredients from sticking to the pan. Cook over high heat before it’s boiling, then turn to low heat and boil.


4、Boil for more than an hour, just pick up the food when you are seeing the coix seed blooming.


5、It's done.
