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Swimming in summer is easy to get otitis media? These 4 points to prevent!


Health > Knowledges

Swimming in summer is easy to get otitis media? These 4 points to prevent!

Otitis media is an ear, nose and throat disease that has a high incidence of occurrence, but many people do not have a good understanding of the seriousness of otitis media, or even believe that it is not very harmful, thus delaying the best time to treat it. Sep 01, 2024

Otitis media is an ear, nose and throat disease that has a high incidence of occurrence, but many people do not have a good understanding of the seriousness of otitis media, or even believe that it is not very harmful, thus delaying the best time to treat it.
In fact, otitis media can be very dangerous, from hearing loss to intracranial and extracranial complications, and can even be life-threatening, so it is important to take precautions to reduce the chances of otitis media occurring.

How can otitis media be prevented?

1. Remove water from the external ear canal in time

When bathing or swimming, if water enters the outer ear canal, it should be removed promptly, by jumping on one foot in the side of the ear to make the water flow out automatically. If you have otitis media or a perforated tympanic membrane, avoid swimming or diving as much as possible. If water accidentally enters your ear, you should use antibiotic drops to reduce the chance of infection.

2. Don't dig in your ears

Under normal circumstances, earwax is constantly growing in the external ear canal, another name for earwax is cerumen, which protects the external ear canal. In most cases, earwax can fall off naturally through chewing and other movements, but sometimes it can accumulate into a mass, which can affect the patient's hearing.

3. Avoid drug abuse

If you want to prevent otitis media, you should also avoid abusing drugs, as many of them are ototoxic, such as streptomycin, gentamicin, kanamycin, aspirin and other antipyretic and analgesic drugs, as well as tachyphylaxis and diuretic acid.

4. Know the correct way to blow your nose

The ears are connected to the nasopharynx through the eustachian tube. If you blow your nose incorrectly when you have a cold, the secretions from the nasopharynx with germs will be carried into the middle ear, causing otitis media.


Whether you are swimming or bathing, avoid getting water into the outer ear canal. If you do, drain it promptly or seek medical attention if you cannot. Don't dig in your ears if you have ear wax, and be careful when using medication. It is advisable to take any medication under the guidance of a doctor, and to know the correct way to blow your nose when you have a cold.

