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What are the causes of excessive farting?


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What are the causes of excessive farting?

 As we get older, many people's gastrointestinal functions are gradually weakened, and there is no way to ingest any cold or stimulating food, otherwise diarrhoea or gastrointestinal pain is bound to occur. In addition, many people's stomachs often make grumbling noises, which worries many people for fear of any gastrointestinal diseases or even lesions. May 01, 2024

As we get older, many people's gastrointestinal functions are gradually weakened, and there is no way to ingest any cold or stimulating food, otherwise diarrhoea or gastrointestinal pain is bound to occur. In addition, many people's stomachs often make grumbling noises, which worries many people for fear of any gastrointestinal diseases or even lesions.


Causes of stomach grumbling

01The cause of bad eating habits
The reason why your tummy grumbles is inseparably linked to your diet is that you accumulate too much gas in your tummy due to poor eating habits. In the process of digesting food, there is insufficient and uneven transformation of food, especially when a large amount of protein and starchy food is consumed, which often takes a long time to decompose, but, during the process of decomposition, a certain amount of gas is also produced, which can cause gurgling sounds in the stomach and intestines, and even accompanied by a lot of farts.

02 Weak gastrointestinal function
The most obvious manifestation of this is that the stomach often grumbles and farts a lot. This is because the gastrointestinal function is in a weak state and when food enters the gastrointestinal tract, the digestion of the food is not sufficient, thus a large amount of gas emerges, and under the continuous accelerated fermentation of the intestinal flora, the gas will have a strong stimulating effect, thus leading to the stomach grumbling sound.

03 Eating too fast
In real life life life is very stressful, especially in the workplace, people eat very fast, however, in the process of eating fast, they also inhale a lot of gas into the stomach, thus triggering stomach discomfort. When the gas also becomes more and more frequent, the stomach grumbling sound is relatively more pronounced and occurs, mostly after each meal. If you look closely, you can definitely find the above pattern.

04 Caused by too much stress
In reality, there are some people whose lives are very stressful, especially mental stress, causing the body's circulation to be in a state of disorder, thus triggering instability in the body's digestive function, which is also the cause of the frequent stomach grumbling sounds.

05 Imbalance of intestinal flora
Once the intestinal flora is out of balance, the digestive function of the gut will gradually decline and the speed of peristaltic function will also decrease, which is also the reason for the accumulation of excessive gas in the body. The most obvious manifestation of this is the grumbling in the stomach and the abundance of farts.

06 Caused by catching a cold
If your stomach often grumbles, most of you are very fond of catching a cold in your diet, especially when the hot summer comes, eating shaved ice and short trousers and short sleeves have become the standard for many people. Unbeknownst to you, the human gastrointestinal function is also very fragile, under the erosion of this cold and damp evil, the gastrointestinal function will also gradually fall into a state of disorder, which will directly affect the health of the gastrointestinal and peristaltic speed, which will also make the gas can not be discharged from the body in time, the gurgling sound in the gastrointestinal.


Ways to improve this problem

01 Improve your lifestyle
To avoid this, it is important to keep your life as stable as possible. Many problems are caused by stressful emotions, so it is important to keep your mood as relaxed as possible, so that your emotions are more stable and, to some extent, your digestive function is in a healthier state and you can avoid intestinal gurgling.

02 Improve your eating habits
To change this situation, it is important to keep a strong focus on diet in real life, eating less starchy food as much as possible to avoid digestive disruptions and avoiding foods that are too cold, which can also help to make the gastrointestinal function healthier in a way.

03 Don't eat food with gas
For everyone who wants to change their belly from gurgling to gurgling, it is important to slow down as much as possible when eating, chew your food thoroughly and keep your stomach full for eight minutes, and to eat as little food with gas as possible, such as carbonated drinks.

It is not uncommon for people to have a grumbling tummy, and although it is not caused by hunger, it should be taken seriously. There are many different causes of tummy grumbles and only timely intervention and attention can stop the disease in its tracks.
