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These abnormalities may tell you that you are sick


Health > Knowledges

These abnormalities may tell you that you are sick

The human body is just like a precise machine. Every organ and tissue is vital. If there is a problem in any link, the body will also have various abnormalities. It is like "early warning", reminding us to pay attention to potential diseases. May 24, 2024

The human body is just like a precise machine. Every organ and tissue is vital. If there is a problem in any link, the body will also have various abnormalities. It is like "early warning", reminding us to pay attention to potential diseases.

The body has these abnormalities for no reason. Pay attention to the "invasion" of diseases


1 unexplained dizziness

For example, when you stand up and squat down, or when you suddenly look up and lower your head, there is a strange feeling of dizziness. Most of it is the lack of oxygen in the brain due to the lack of timely blood supply to the brain. There are many reasons for insufficient blood supply to the brain, ranging from hypotension and anemia to early symptoms such as cerebral thrombosis, vascular inflammation and cerebral hemorrhage. Generally speaking, people who are often dizzy may also have concurrent symptoms such as nausea and vomiting, unstable legs and feet, and should be examined and treated in time.


2 Sudden weight loss

If there is no change in diet, exercise and other conditions, if you suddenly lose weight, this may not be a good thing. On the one hand, there may be hidden dangers of diabetes. For diabetic patients, the body's sensitivity to insulin is reduced, a large amount of sugar cannot be metabolized in time, and the body cannot get enough energy supply, which will lead to a situation of increasing weight loss. On the other hand, the situation may be more serious, that is, there may be a risk of cancer. Cancer cells have the characteristics of infinite division, which means that it needs to absorb a lot of energy from the body. If the body loses weight for no reason, there may be cancer cells that may appear and rob the body of nutrients.


3 numbness and pain of limbs

The contraction and relaxation of muscles are controlled by nerves. If the muscles of the limbs are numb and painful for a certain period of time, it may be that there is a problem in the control of the brain nerves. For example, the precursor of stroke, arterial bleeding and other diseases may cause similar problems. In particular, the middle-aged and elderly people over 50 years old are more likely to have stroke. Once similar conditions are found, they should seek medical help in time.


4 it hurts all over in rainy days

The physical condition of some friends may change with the weather. For example, when it comes to rainy days, the body feels "pain everywhere". In fact, this is because the air humidity is high in rainy days, and the moisture enters the muscles, bones and joints. If there is inflammation, it will cause discomfort and pain. Therefore, if you feel pain in the back muscles or joints on rainy days, timely check the risk of diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis and muscle inflammation.


To sum up, many friends may have the four typical abnormal symptoms, or even more than one. Although they do not represent the disease, there are still hidden disease risks. In addition to timely going to the hospital for examination, in daily life, we should also lay a good physical foundation in advance to reduce the disease risk.


If you want to get sick less, your physical foundation is very important


Immunity is a very important part of having a good body with fewer illnesses. Therefore, if you want to build a good physical foundation, you must not forget the cultivation of immunity:
Diet: increase the intake of high-quality protein, such as eggs, milk, lean meat, etc. Protein is the basic energy source of immune cells. Only by maintaining sufficient supply can the immune system maintain its vitality.

Work and rest: keep enough sleep to help repair immune cells. During sleep, the human body is in a state of self-healing, and at the same time, it will complement the immune cells to improve the body's immunity. Generally speaking, the daily sleep time should be between 7 and 9 hours. It is important to develop good sleep habits.


Emotional aspect: according to research, optimistic mood can fully maintain cell activity and improve cell work efficiency. This is no exception for immune cells, so in terms of emotions, maintaining an optimistic and positive attitude to avoid falling into negative emotions for a long time is also an effective way to maintain immunity and build a good body.


To sum up, it is very simple to improve the body immunity and make the body healthy in terms of diet, work and rest, mood, etc. the key is whether you can really persist. While improving the physical foundation, don't forget to be alert to abnormal symptoms, and timely find and treat early diseases.
