Health > Diet

Tremella and red date soup


Health > Diet

Tremella and red date soup

I have to say that it is not easy for women... I lose blood every month, which leads to a severe loss of iron... Recently, my aunt came a bit violently. The doctor suggested me to supplement iron and eat more fungus. So today, I hurriedly boiled white fungus soup to make up for myself! Today is just the beginning of autumn, and after the autumn is a good time to eat white fungus. Regardless of men and women, let’s get moving! Jul 23, 2024

About the recipes

I have to say that it is not easy for women... I lose blood every month, which leads to a severe loss of iron... Recently, my aunt came a bit violently. The doctor suggested me to supplement iron and eat more fungus. So today, I hurriedly boiled white fungus soup to make up for myself!
Today is just the beginning of autumn, and after the autumn is a good time to eat white fungus. Regardless of men and women, let’s get moving!



It is a good helper to supplement iron and blood and relieve menstruation



appropriate amount   Tremella
5~10 grain red dates
5~10 grain longan
appropriate amount   crystal sugar
appropriate amount   wolfberry



Cooking Steps

  1. Tremella soaked for 4-5 hours (I soaked for one night, put it in water before going to bed, and soaked it in the morning, which is also very convenient and thorough)


  1. Tremella stalks (yellow part), chopped. Many people use torn, I think it is easier to use cut. It is also different from person to person~


  1. Put all the ingredients into the electric stew pot, add 8 parts of water to full, and turn on the electric stew mode (I chose two hours


  1. Rock sugar and wolfberry can be put first or later. Put them first to compare, and then put wolfberry. The dyeing will not be particularly serious~ It’s all personal preference (✪▽✪)






