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Protect men's health by doing these things


Health > Knowledges

Protect men's health by doing these things

However, with the ever-increasing pressures of life, they are also subjected to immense work and mental stress, and with it, a host of physical health problems. Sep 13, 2024

In every child's mind, the father is an all-powerful superhero, sunny, healthy, strong-willed and fit, always there when needed most to shelter us from the elements.
However, with the ever-increasing pressures of life, they are also subjected to immense work and mental stress, and with it, a host of physical health problems.


So, what can be done to make them healthier?

01 Don't hold your urine
Often holding urine makes the bladder overfull, which greatly reduces the self-protective ability of the bladder mucosa and can easily lead to bacteria entering the bladder, causing lower urinary tract infections such as cystitis and urethritis.
The actual fact that you are able to hold your urine for a long time will cause the pressure in the back of the urethra to be too high and irritating chemicals such as uric acid to return into the prostate, which can easily trigger prostatitis.
In addition, holding urine for a long time can lead to urinary retention in patients with prostate enlargement, increased blood pressure in patients with hypertension and arrhythmia in patients with coronary artery disease.

02 Regular semen discharge
A regular sex life for men and regular semen discharge not only helps to relieve stress but is also good for physical and mental health. When suffering from prostatitis and vesiculitis, regular semen discharge is also beneficial to the inflammation.
If you don't ejaculate, it will not only cause the prostate gland to be congested for a long time, which will lead to prostatitis, but it will also lead to ejaculation, retrograde ejaculation and other diseases.

03 Don't sit for too long

The actual fact is that you can find a lot of people who are not able to get a good deal on a lot of things.
For example, it may induce prostatitis, urinary stones, etc.; inappropriate sitting posture can also cause high local temperature of the genitals, affecting the quality of sperm.


04 Relieving stress
Men are always showing their strong side, but they are often overwhelmed by the stress of marriage, life and work, and even anxiety and depression.
Prolonged anxiety and depression can lead to low libido, erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation in adult men. It is a good idea to take up a positive hobby to release and relieve your stress.

05 Don't be cool
The actual fact is that you'll be able to get a lot more than just a few of these, and you'll be able to get a lot more than just a few of these.

06 Don't drink too much
For some men, life is not as good as it could be without a drink every day. However, excessive drinking over a long period of time can harm our bodies. Especially as we age, men are at an increasing risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, so for the sake of our health, we should drink as little or as little as possible.
Also, whether you are red or white after drinking, and whether you can get drunk easily, alcohol is harmful to the liver, so all-cause mortality increases whenever you drink in excess.


07 Quit smoking
Many men have the habit of smoking. Smoking not only causes lung cancer, but also contains many carcinogenic substances, which are transported throughout the body with the blood and affect various organs and tissues, leading to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. If you have been a smoker for many years, it is advisable to have an annual lung cancer screening after the age of 45. Therefore, it is advisable to quit smoking as soon as possible for your own health.
In addition, smoking is the most 'sperm-killing' habit, as many components of tobacco are toxic to sperm, so it is important to stop smoking before and after the preparation period.

08 Don't stay up late
Staying up late can be very damaging not only to men but to the bodies of all people. Staying up late for long periods of time not only leads to lowered immunity, anxiety and depression, and irritability, but also seriously endangers male reproductive health, leading to erectile dysfunction, rapid ejaculation, and recurrent prostatitis symptoms.

09 Sun Protection
The actual fact that men also need to be protected from the sun, because ultraviolet rays are also carcinogenic, do not think that men who are tanned are okay!
The actual fact is that you can find a lot of people who are not only in the market, but also in the marketplace.

10 Eat a healthy diet and exercise in moderation
In general, fatty liver is caused by eating too much high-fat food, alcoholism, inappropriate living and lack of exercise, so men should eat a healthy diet and exercise in moderation to maintain good health.


In daily life, you should control your weight, eat in moderation and have three meals a day at regular intervals. You can exercise moderately every day according to your own situation.
