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The world's most expensive ice cubes, a piece sells for up to $ 300


Anecdote > Odd

The world's most expensive ice cubes, a piece sells for up to $ 300

When it comes to ice we should not be unfamiliar with it, it is relatively common in life. So do you know how much the most expensive ice in the world costs? The world's most expensive ice is from a professional ice company Glce Luxury Ice production of top ice, it is no taste, no impurities, worth a lot of money, each piece of the circumference of 6 cm. A small piece, priced at up to $ 300, and also popular with the rich and famous. This sky-high ice from the raw materials is extraordinary, come to understand it. Jul 15, 2024

The most expensive ice cubes in the world

In the United States there is a very famous company that specializes in the production of ice cubes and the production of high-grade ice cubes. The world's top ice is produced from this company, ice 6 cm perimeter per block, looking quite crystal clear without any impurities, each package of 50 inside the price of 325 U.S. dollars. Some people may think the ice is so expensive, does it taste good, in fact, their biggest selling point is not any flavor.


The process of making ice cubes

General ice is basically made from tap water or boiling water, so there will be a lot of impurities inside, long-term consumption may be very bad for the body. And this advanced ice, the main raw material from 8000 cubic feet weighing 136 kilograms of purified ice, this ice because it is cooled from the outside, while still constantly stirring, the final gas out successfully, the interior does not contain any air bubbles.

And when the water immediately freezes, someone will directly hand grind it into a sphere or square, and then remove the water from the surface, the overall look will be quite smooth and flawless, crystal clear. And in the outer packaging is also quite careful, so it will not be tainted with other flavors.

Some people think that this price is unreasonable, after all, this is just an ice product only, and there is nothing very special in it, just to get more profiteering.

But some people think that since they can afford to consume premium drinks, it's not a big deal to pair them with premium ice. Premium ice is cleaner and unpolluted, allowing the drink to reflect a better feeling, not only can it effectively dilute the taste of alcohol, but also has no impact in terms of taste.

In addition, the company spends a portion of its annual revenue on improving global water quality, and has undertaken a number of projects to improve the quality of life for people who want to enjoy better and cleaner water.


