Anecdote > Odd

The world's smallest park: an area of only 0.29 square meters


Anecdote > Odd

The world's smallest park: an area of only 0.29 square meters

The world's smallest park is located in Portland, Oregon, the United States, it is the Guinness World Records inside the existence of the Mill's End Park, its origin is the original lamppost without standing lights, but by a journalist named Dick Van Root planted plants inside, so the park was born Aug 12, 2024

History of the development of Mill's End

Mill's End Park is located in Portland, Oregon, and is one of the smallest parks in the world. At the beginning, Mill's End Park was not yet born, it was just a light house. There are elves living in the park, and they have their own order of life, with the death of Dick Van Root, Mill End Park gradually be noticed, and finally the park added a variety of facilities and equipment called the real park.



Status of Mill's End Park

Because it is the world's smallest park, it has become the goal of some people want to go to see, and there are many legends about Mill End Park, including the story of the genie, the legend of Dick Van Gogh in his office saw the lamppost inside the genie, he went straight over and caught the genie, and the genie was fulfilled his wish, that is, Mill End Park, although this is only a false story, but attracts Although this is only a false story, but attracted many people of all kinds to watch this park, now the park every day there are many passers-by in this photo tour, and some will leave a card, interested partners can also go to observe the world's smallest park. But at the same time in the observation should also take care of the environment, not littered with writing and drawing.

Compared to those big parks this smallest park can be said to have earned a lot of attention, but regardless of the size, the park is an ecological environment, we need to take care of, so that the park becomes comfortable and good-looking to attract people.


