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The world's shortest snake: The blind snake


Anecdote > Odd

The world's shortest snake: The blind snake

Snakes are a common reptile, there are about 3,400 known species of snakes, almost worldwide distribution, different kinds of snakes in the form, size and length are very different, we know that the world's longest snake is the reticulated python, then you know what the world's shortest snake is? Aug 26, 2024

The world's shortest snake

The blind snake is mainly found in Africa and Asia, but it has now spread to other parts of the world. The majority of blind snakes inhabit tropical rainforests, where the environment and soil, among other factors, are more conducive to their survival. The main diet of the blind snake is small invertebrates, simply small insects, ants, earthworms and so on.


The shape of the blind snake

There are also more species of blind snakes, usually around 20 centimeters in length, with the longest ones not exceeding 30 centimeters. The head of the blind snake is blunt, semi-circular and barely distinguishable from the neck. Also, the eyes of blind snakes are very small, or degenerate into light-sensitive dots or are in the shape of black dots. The entire body is cylindrical in shape, with smooth skin and a shiny appearance. The tail of the blind snake is also relatively rounded and blunt, with the end of the tail showing a short spiny shape.

Unlike other snakes, which have very large teeth, the teeth of the blind snake are very small and usually only the upper jaw is visible. The body scales of the blind snake are 20 rows long, with a short, blunt tail end, and the body is usually divided into reddish-brown and blackish-brown. Blind snakes are sometimes called "worm snakes" by zoologists, mainly because they are the shortest snakes in the world and crawl extremely slowly, so they are called worm snakes. The blind snake is the smallest of the snakes and belongs to the vertebrate class Reptilia.


Are blind snakes poisonous?

The blind snake is not a poisonous snake. It only feeds on small bugs and never bites people. They can be released after being caught and buried in the soil because they have the same skills as earthworms. Some people who love snakes often keep blind snakes as their pets. Because in some cases, the blind snake is one of the cuter ones, similar in size to the earthworm, and most importantly, is not poisonous and does not pose any threat to the snake keeper.
