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The world's longest-lived light bulb: surprisingly, the whole 120 years of light


Anecdote > Odd

The world's longest-lived light bulb: surprisingly, the whole 120 years of light

The electric light bulb, also known as an incandescent lamp, is a lamp that is used to emit light through the use of electricity, using resistance to heat a young thin wire to incandescence. The emergence of the electric light bulb is one of the world's great creations, which brings endless light to people, but also to promote the world's progress. We usually use the electric light bulb, its life expectancy is about 1000 hours. The world's longest-lived light bulb, it is surprising that the whole 120 years of light, let us take a look at it. Nov 07, 2023

The longest-lived light bulb in the world

It is understood that this light bulb is the United States California Livermore Fire Department No. 6 light bulb, it has been lit in 1901, until now has not been extinguished, in addition to forced power outages and moving, almost in 120 years have not stopped working, known as the "century light bulb.

It is said that the filament of this bulb is made of carbon filament, and although the light that has been emitted is very faint, its lighting durability is very strong. At present there is absolutely no lamp can compete with it, scientists have also been wondering why this light bulb can work so long, so they conducted an elaborate investigation and research.

Eventually an American physicist said that the difference between this light bulb and other light bulbs is that its filament is thicker than the ordinary filament to be at least 8 times thicker, so it will seem more durable, and the filament material is a semiconductor, but after heating to a certain temperature, its conductive properties will be weakened, thus becoming a better electrical conductor, which also makes it able to continue to burn .

At present, this light bulb can almost be said to be the star product, not only in social media has millions of fans, and it is located in the fire station also need to take a daily job to protect the No. 6 light bulb, it is said that in order to better ensure that it will not go out, so they installed several cameras around the light bulb, and every 10-15 seconds to refresh, so that it can always in the line of sight to ensure its safety.

It is said that the only two power outages over the past hundred years is a fire department relocation and a power outage, the relocation of that time is said to have sent a lot of police escort this light bulb to a new location, then even fear that the light bulb too long old, so is directly cut the wire after taking the light bulb; the second power outage is due to a power outage near the premises, and the light bulb stopped working for 9 hours, it can be said that this light bulb is simply a jewel in the palm of existence ah!

