Anecdote > Odd

The world's slowest swimming fish: seahorses swim only 1 to 3 meters per minute


Anecdote > Odd

The world's slowest swimming fish: seahorses swim only 1 to 3 meters per minute

When it comes to fish, we can often see them in our daily lives. There are many kinds of fish in the world, some fish swim fast, while some fish swim very slowly, that in many fish, you know the world's slowest fish is which kind of fish? Dec 09, 2023

The slowest swimming fish in the world

The seahorse is a very strange fish, not only the appearance and our common fish is very different, but also the swimming speed is the slowest among fish. Seahorses swim hundreds of times slower than ordinary fish, if you want to use the data to describe it, it is a minute may top 1 to 3 meters of distance, is not very exaggerated? So most of the time, they are attached to the coral or seaweed, will not go swimming.


Morphological characteristics of seahorses

Seahorses are small animals in the ocean, usually five to thirty centimeters in length. Although they are fish, they are completely different in appearance from the fish we have seen. The head of the seahorse is similar to the head of a horse, and the body is not straight, the mouth is long and pointed, because their mouths cannot open and close, so they can only suck some relatively small animals in the water.


The swimming speed of seahorses

Seahorses are one of the slowest swimmers among fish, and are the slowest swimming fish in the oceans on earth. They swim at a distance of only 1 to 3 meters per minute. Because the seahorse from the appearance is simply too suitable for swimming, and they do not have a tail fin, so the swim is not fast. So the seahorse is not much like swimming, can only curl up the body wrapped in the object can be attached to the top.


Habits of seahorses

Seahorses generally prefer to live in places where there is a lot of coral. Because they are not very good at swimming, they often curl up their bodies and wrap their tails around coral branches and seaweed branches to fix their bodies, mainly to prevent themselves from being washed away by the current. Sometimes they will also drift down the currents, they mainly eat some relatively small crustaceans, feeding when the bow-shaped abdomen as a spring to use, and then the head will quietly close to the prey. They hunt animals at very short distances, the distance is equivalent to the length of their necks.
