Anecdote > Odd

The world's most camouflaged bird


Anecdote > Odd

The world's most camouflaged bird

In nature, without human intervention, it is the norm for the weak to prey on nature. And for creatures to survive and reproduce, they must also learn to defend themselves. Camouflage is a great way to keep us safe from enemies and even avoid getting hurt. The world's most camouflaged bird is the forest owl, which spends its life pretending to be a dead branch, laying eggs and never building a nest, standing wherever it is born, very incredible, bring your curiosity together to learn more about it. Dec 18, 2023

The most camouflaged bird in the world

The bird in question, which is mainly found in Mexico and the Central American belt,[bai] is called the forest owl. In appearance, their beaks are wide and their feathers are mostly grayish brown, yellowish brown and other colors, very similar to tree trunks. With this innate advantage, they often disguise themselves as tree trunks in dangerous environments to avoid predators. The forest owl is a nocturnal bird, and during the day the eyes of the forest owl are half closed and half open resting in the trees. And a rest is a whole day, more powerful is that it also actually remain in a position of immobility for a long time.


Forest owl (Camouflage when encountering natural enemies, and pretend for life)

At dusk and nightfall, they start to move around. They will catch some insects, and sometimes we wonder what they are camouflaged in. Because the color of the forest owl's feathers is very similar to the color of many tree stumps, they are completely invisible when you look at the stumps during the daytime.

Because it has fused to the stump, some people will also think that the forest owl will go out and about at night and assume that it is asleep during the daytime. In fact, this is not the case, they are shrewd and alert at all times, as long as there is a natural enemy invasion, they will take a fake death state to protect themselves.

This time you will find that the forest owl is very stiff and acts very realistically, just like the real thing. What makes it different from other birds is that they don't build nests. For reproduction is also very simple, just lay eggs directly on the stump, why is this so? The question is still a mystery, but what we do know is that not building a nest is a way of survival for them.
