Anecdote > Odd

The world's most "open" tribe: women only use shells to cover their shame, and can change their husbands at any time


Anecdote > Odd

The world's most "open" tribe: women only use shells to cover their shame, and can change their husbands at any time

As we all know, there are still a lot of primitive tribes in the world, they are mainly distributed in Africa's Sahara Desert and Brazil's Amazon forest, or in the Pacific Ocean, each primitive tribe will have a different place, in the Marianas Islands there is a magical matriarchal clan - Chamorro people, they can be said to be the world's most "open" tribe, all women only shells to cover their shame, but also to replace their husbands at any time! May 18, 2024

The world's most "open" tribe

The Chamorros, also known as the Chamorros, are an indigenous people of Micronesia who live in the Marianas Islands. After the 17th century, because of the bloody colonial wars, there are few pure-bred Chamorros left. At present, only about 73,000 people are counted in the tribe (1978), mainly in the Mariana Islands (including Guam).


The Chamorros have similar physical characteristics to the Malays, and their economy is mainly agricultural, growing rice, making pottery, and building boats; they are also divided into three classes, and each class lives in a different house. The common people live in simple thatched huts made of branches and leaves, while the nobles are more sophisticated and their houses are built on stone pillars.

It is believed that the Chamorros migrated from Southeast Asia to the Marianas around 2000 B.C. and settled here. The ancient Chamorros were skilled in long-distance navigation and traded with the Caroline Islands, and in the late 17th century, the Spanish established colonial rule in Guam, causing Chamorro resistance. After the brutal Spanish-Chamorro War, few pureblood Chamorros remained.

They are very warm to people, for each visitor will line up to welcome them, cooking them food, it is worth mentioning that they cook is to dig a hole, and then buried food on it, until baked. Despite the traditional way of life, there is no "feudal" thinking: the Chamorros are very open, and all women are covered only with shells, and can change their husbands at any time! The women are made of shells to cover their important parts, and the men only need to use a piece of cloth to cover them, all with a large waist, light brown complexion, leaking the strong muscles, which is really very wild school.


Men generally stay at home "wife and children", out hunting are women, only when encountering large wild animals need men out. Tribal leader is a woman, the whole tribe of women far more than men, women can choose their husbands can even be changed at any time, and men can not refuse, women can also exchange husbands with each other if they want.

The tribe is gradually coming into contact with outside civilization, and there are few purebred Chamorros left, so people will visit their tribal civilization. The local government even changed monogamy to polygamy in order to protect the tribe from disappearing, but it was stopped by the male members of the tribe.



