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The world's smartest gorilla: not only can he cook, he can say 384 words


Anecdote > Odd

The world's smartest gorilla: not only can he cook, he can say 384 words

If there is any animal that is most similar to humans, I believe the first thing that comes to many people's mind is the gorilla. In the world's biological genealogy, gorillas are distant relatives of humans, so they also have the alias "man of the forest", and many zoos have set up gorilla parks for people to enjoy. The world's smartest gorilla: not only can cook, but also speak 384 words, come with me to see it. May 22, 2024

The world's smartest gorilla

This bonobo chimpanzee, named Kanzi, has shown a level of intelligence that is beyond the norm. Not only does it speak 384 words, it is also very good at imitating human behavior. The appearance of this orangutan and ordinary orangutan is not very different, but the interesting thing is that it is an orangutan can cook, and a do is twenty years, can be described as a skilled cooking virtuous gorilla, dishes of their own choice, fire mastery, kenzi's orangutan food is not very mysterious it?

Kanzi spent his childhood living with his breeder. This has allowed him to witness human habits from a young age and to subconsciously imitate human behavior. In fact, he learned these cooking skills from his keepers who have been with him for many years, and we can see a glimpse of this in his cooking process. Orangutans are very intelligent creatures, and as he grew up he saw his keepers' cooking process and gained experience, he would also collect sticks before the fire and clean up the site after eating, like an environmentally conscious chef, which attracted many people who came from far and wide to to enjoy this amazing act.

We are not surprised by the intelligence of the gorilla, after all, this is not the first time we have learned their wisdom, as early as a few decades ago, the British animal researchers have discovered through experiments on the gorilla's strong learning ability and imitation ability.

Travel, will see a lot of smart little monkeys in the mountain attractions, breeders let monkeys and tourists to take pictures to get benefits, but the bad thing is that some people also use the monkey's intelligence, driving them to rob tourists' bags, and dolphin show is also common in the major oceanarium, by everyone's pursuit of love, these are enough to prove the animal's intelligence and resourcefulness.
