Anecdote > Odd

The world's strangest monkeys: White-rumped langurs are the king of Asian monkeys


Anecdote > Odd

The world's strangest monkeys: White-rumped langurs are the king of Asian monkeys

There is nothing strange in nature, and most of the animals in the world look very normal, but occasionally we will find some animals that look peculiar. There is a kind of monkey called the white-rumped langur in the world that is very peculiar. Its body color is gorgeous and it is called the king of Asian monkeys, and it has a distinct triangular white class on its buttocks, which is very conspicuous and is called the most peculiar monkey in the world by many people. Jun 13, 2024

The most peculiar monkeys in the world

There are many strange-looking monkeys on the planet, and the white-rumped langur is one of the most, and it's easy to remember because it has a white butt: male white-rumped langurs have triangular white butt spots on their butts, and they're very visible! Monkeys have three main characteristics known to the world: being hairy, having a tail and having a red butt, and the white-rumped langur breaks this notion and is therefore known by many as the world's strangest monkey.


Morphological characteristics of the white-rumped langur

The white rumped langur's nostrils face upward, with a smooth nasal bridge, dark brown eyes of an oblique almond shape, and black circles around the eyes, its male body shape is slightly larger than the female, with a body length of about 61-76 cm and a weight of 7-11 kg, the tail is white, about 56-76 cm long, the tail periphery of the triangular-shaped rump disc is also white, in addition to the upper end of the male rump disc there are two white dots, but the female does not.

In addition to the special triangular white spot on the buttocks, the colorful body color of the white-rumped langur is also remarkable.

1. the front of the head, shoulders, chest, elbows and the inner part of the femur, hands and feet are black and gray, and the outer forearms are yellow and white.

2. the back of the body from the neck to the rump, the side of the body and the lower limbs are iron-red embroidered, gray or black.

3. a wide ochre-brown neck ring on the neck, with white throat, rump, perianal tail base and lower abdomen.

4. The face is yellow with a sparse ring of long white hairs, which makes the white-rumped langur one of the most colorful primates.



White-rumped langurs are very social primates that live in groups, with males foraging (fruits, seeds, shoots and petioles are the mainstay of their diet, much like white-headed langurs) and females helping to care for and train their young at home. In addition, white-rumped langurs are diurnal, fully arboreal monkeys and are often found in the forest canopy, barely touching the ground, and they are good at jumping up to 6 meters in a single bound!

The white-rumped langur is found in Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam and Hainan Island in China, mainly in tropical rainforests, monsoonal rainforests and southern subtropical monsoonal broad-leaved forests on both sides of rivers and in low mountain valleys, at an altitude of about 2,000 meters. At present, because of its scarcity, the white-rumped langur is listed as a CITES Class I protected animal under the Washington Convention.

