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Global cranberry three major production areas: The United States, Canada, Chile


Anecdote > Odd

Global cranberry three major production areas: The United States, Canada, Chile

Cranberry is a small round berry with bright red skin and flesh, growing on short vines, usually made into dried fruit or small snacks, but rarely used directly, mainly in the cooler parts of the northern hemisphere. Do you know where the cranberry is mainly located? Jun 05, 2024

Global cranberry three major production areas

1. United States

The United States is the world's largest consumer and producer of cranberries, of which the main production areas of cranberries in the northern region of New Jersey, Michigan, Oregon, Washington, Wisconsin and other states, and are cultivated by hand, the quality is better.



Canada is also an important cranberry producing country in the world, mainly in British Columbia and Quebec two provinces, its production is currently only the United States, most of the cranberries in Canada are artificially cultivated, although the quality is not as good as the United States, but also belongs to the top.



Chile is located in the southern hemisphere, the unique local geographic conditions, suitable for a variety of fruit cultivation, and Chile's cranberry production near the Antarctic region, pollution is relatively small, so the cranberries produced there are the most natural and pure, but not as good as the United States and Canada in terms of quality.


Cranberry production areas are mainly in the United States, Canada and Chile, of which the United States is the largest consumer and producer of cranberries, while Canada's cranberry production areas are located in British Columbia and Quebec two provinces, in addition to Chile's cranberries are the most natural and pure.
