Health > Diet

Moistening Dryness and Beautifying in Winter Duck Soup with Lilies


Health > Diet

Moistening Dryness and Beautifying in Winter Duck Soup with Lilies

In winter, the skin is easy to get dry. In addition to applying moisturizer, Chinese people will replenish tonic by soup. The duck soup with lilies introduced today is good for nourishing yin, beautifying and moistening dryness. Jun 15, 2024

About the recipes

In winter, the skin is easy to get dry. In addition to applying moisturizer, Chinese people will replenish tonic by soup. The duck soup with lilies introduced today is good for nourishing yin, beautifying and moistening dryness.



Lily contains 21.29% protein, 12.43% fat, 11.47% reducing sugar and 1.61% starch,calcium, phosphorus and iron. Every 100 grams of Lily contains 1.443 mg of vitamin B, 21.2 mg of vitamin C and some special nutrients such as alkaloids. These ingredients not only have a good nourishing effect on human body, but also have a certain prevention and control effect on a variety of seasonal diseases caused by the dry climate in autumn. In traditional Chinese medicine, fresh lily has the effect of nourishing the heart and mind, moistening the lung and relieving cough, which is very beneficial to the weak after the disease.



5 g Ginger
500 g Duck
5 g Wolfberry
30 g Lily


Cooking Steps

  1. Pour some water into the pot, add the duck and bring them into a boiling over high heat


  1. Cook for about 5 minutes, remove and clean, put duck and other materials into the stew pot, and cook for 1 hour over high heat.


  1. Add some salt for seasoning. Then the skin-nourishing and tasty soup is done.


  • 2 years ago
