Health > Diet

Fresh Abalone Chicken Soup for Keeping Healthy in Spring


Health > Diet

Fresh Abalone Chicken Soup for Keeping Healthy in Spring

In spring, the wind is high and the weather is dry. We should have had more soup, but everything is full of energy, which is easy to get imbalanced of yin and yang if drinking too much tonic soup. Today, I will make a fresh abalone chicken soup that is very suitable for moisturizing in the spring but not dry, clearing heat and dampness, and quenching thirst. Jul 07, 2024

About the recipes

In spring, the wind is high and the weather is dry. We should have had more soup, but everything is full of energy, which is easy to get imbalanced of yin and yang if drinking too much tonic soup. Today, I will make a fresh abalone chicken soup that is very suitable for moisturizing in the spring but not dry, clearing heat and dampness, and quenching thirst.



Abalone is rich in nutrients, containing 64g of protein, 2g of fat, and 3g of sugar per 100g of dry products. It is also rich in a variety of physiologically active substances such as EPA, DHA, taurine, superoxide dismutase, etc. The content of metal elements (Ca2 +, Mg2 +, etc.) which play an important role in body’s acid-base balance and neuromuscular excitement is also abundant.



10 g Ginger
200 g Abalone
10 g Wolfberry
500 g Chicken
50 g Shiitakes


Cooking Steps

1、Have all the materials ready


2、Clean and handle the abalone


3、Boil a pot of water, simmer the chicken to remove blood water impurities, and then rinse with cold water


4、Pour cold water into a casserole, and add the simmered chicken, abalone, abalone shell, ginger, shallot shiitake and mushrooms into it


5、Boil over high heat, then cook on low heat for two hours, and finally cook wolfberry for ten minutes. Using a little of salt to season after finishing


6、The fresh abalone and chicken soup that is delicious and moisturizing without causing imbalance between yin and yang is stewed. Drink it while it is hot.
