Health > Diet

Lung-running radish soup


Health > Diet

Lung-running radish soup

The old saying is good: eat radish in winter and ginger in summer, it's time to have a bowl of radish soup to moisten the lungs and warm the stomach~ Jul 25, 2024

About the recipes

The old saying is good: eat radish in winter and ginger in summer, it's time to have a bowl of radish soup to moisten the lungs and warm the stomach~



Radish soup is rich in vitamin C and trace element zinc, which can enhance the body's immunity and improve disease resistance. Radish soup contains mustard oil, which can promote gastrointestinal motility, help digestion and increase appetite. Radish soup contains lignin, which can improve the vitality of macrophages and phagocytose cancer cells. Various enzymes contained in radish can decompose carcinogenic nitrosamines, so it has anti-cancer and anti-cancer effects.



1   white radish
2   egg
15 g ginger
10 g wolfberry
5 g salt
5 g white pepper
5 g chicken essence
appropriate amount   coriander


Cooking Steps

  1. White radish, peeled and shredded


  1. fried two eggs


  1. Fry the ginger slices with the oil left over from the fried eggs, and then add the shredded radish to fry


  1. Boil a pot of water in a casserole, add shredded carrots and fried eggs

  2. After simmering on high heat for 5 minutes, turn to medium heat and simmer for another 5 minutes

  3. Cook until the soup turns white, add salt, wolfberry, coriander, half a spoon of salt, half a spoon of chicken essence, and half a spoon of pepper, and the delicious radish soup is out of the pot.








