Health > Diet

Stewed Lean Pork with Ginseng, Jade Bamboo and Lotus Seed


Health > Diet

Stewed Lean Pork with Ginseng, Jade Bamboo and Lotus Seed

Ginseng, polygonatum odoratum and lotus seed have the functions of clearing the heart, nourishing yin and lowering heart fire. Increased heart fire can cause oral diseases. Traditional Chinese medicine reminds us that we need to control our emotions, reduce tension and worry less. In particular, we should reduce our thinking about those troublesome things that are tardy, complicated and involve many interpersonal relationships, so as to avoid heart anger and lead to heart and brain diseases. Aug 13, 2024

About the recipes

Ginseng, polygonatum odoratum and lotus seed have the functions of clearing the heart, nourishing yin and lowering heart fire. Increased heart fire can cause oral diseases. Traditional Chinese medicine reminds us that we need to control our emotions, reduce tension and worry less. In particular, we should reduce our thinking about those troublesome things that are tardy, complicated and involve many interpersonal relationships, so as to avoid heart anger and lead to heart and brain diseases.



Ginseng, polygonatum odoratum, lotus seed and lily lean meat soup is a kind of medicated diet. It has the effects of nourishing yin and moistening dryness, moistening the lung and relieving cough, producing fluid and quenching thirst, and removing annoyance and calming nerves. It has a good therapeutic effect on five heart upset heat caused by yin deficiency and internal heat, fluid injury and thirst, dry nose and throat, insomnia and dreaminess, irritability and other symptoms. In addition, it can also improve the symptoms of chronic chronic chronic disease, such as chronic cough due to qi deficiency, dry cough due to lung dryness, weak body and lack of food.



200 g
Pork tendinous meat
appropriate amount   Ginseng
appropriate amount   Polygonatum odoratum
appropriate amount   Lotus seed
appropriate amount   Job's tears
1   candied jujube


Cooking Steps

1、Cut the tendon meat into small pieces about 3cm long, boil it in cold water, blanch it, and wash it for use.


2、Take another soup pot, fill the boiled tendon meat with water (or hot water), and then add the ginseng, jade bamboo, barley, lotus seed, and jujube


3、Once boiled, cook on low heat for 2 hours. Come and taste the heart-warming soup!



