Health > Diet

Nourishing Blood and Staying Beauty, Strengthening Brain and Resisting Senility | Fried Black Fungus with Day lily


Health > Diet

Nourishing Blood and Staying Beauty, Strengthening Brain and Resisting Senility | Fried Black Fungus with Day lily

The day lily is golden in color, rich in fragrance, fresh, tender and smooth, with high nutritional value, and is regarded as a "treasure on the table" Aug 27, 2024

About the recipes

The day lily is golden in color, rich in fragrance, fresh, tender and smooth, with high nutritional value, and is regarded as a "treasure on the table"



The day lily has a better function of brain strengthening and anti-aging. It is called "brain strengthening dish". Modern people with mental fatigue should often eat it.
The content of iron in auricularia auricula is extremely rich, more than 7 times that of pig liver. Therefore, eating auricularia auricula regularly can nourish blood and stop looking and prevent iron deficiency



appropriate amount  
day lily
appropriate amount   Black fungus
appropriate amount   salt
appropriate amount   Fuel consumption
appropriate amount   Soup
appropriate amount   onion and garlic
appropriate amount   Red pepper
appropriate amount   Balsam oil


Cooking Steps

1、Soak black fungus with warm water in advance, wash and drain; Soak the day lily in cold water, rinse and drain.


2、Cut the red pepper, onion and garlic, and set aside.



3、Start the oil pan and stir fry the onion, garlic and red pepper slightly.


4、Stir fry day lily and black fungus.

5、Add salt, oyster sauce and stock, stir fry until cooked, and pour sesame oil into it before cooking.


6、The taste is very good!




