Health > Diet

Heat clearing and lung moistening | Stir fried Celery


Health > Diet

Heat clearing and lung moistening | Stir fried Celery

This is a low fat and low calorie dish. The dietary fiber contained in water celery can also increase a certain sense of satiety for the human body, which can help the human body reduce the intake of other high calorie and high-fat foods, and can also play a role in promoting weight loss to a certain extent. Aug 30, 2024

About the recipes

This is a low fat and low calorie dish. The dietary fiber contained in water celery can also increase a certain sense of satiety for the human body, which can help the human body reduce the intake of other high calorie and high-fat foods, and can also play a role in promoting weight loss to a certain extent.



Water celery has the effects of moistening intestines, relieving constipation, calming liver and lowering blood pressure, supplementing iron and diuresis.
It is sweet and pungent in taste, cool in nature, and can enter the lung and stomach meridians. It has the effects of clearing heat and detoxification, moistening the lungs and promoting diuresis. It has auxiliary effects on fever and cold, vomiting and diarrhea, urinary tract infection, metrorrhagia, edema, hypertension, etc.



220 g
80   Bean skin
appropriate amount   Red pepper
10 g Oyster sauce
5 g Light soy sauce
1.5 g salt
8 g White sugar
appropriate amount   Edible oil


Cooking Steps

1、Prepare various materials


2、Cut the bean skin into strips, shred the red pepper, and cut the water celery into sections


3、Heat the pot, put oil in it, put shredded ginger, and stir fry until fragrant


4、Add the bean skin and stir it over high heat

5、Add celery

6、Add oyster sauce and sugar and continue to stir fry

7、Add shredded red pepper, soy sauce and salt when it is almost ripe

8、Finally, stir fry the ingredients over the high fire until they are ripe





