Health > Diet

Nutrition tonic | Chinese caterpillar fungus flowers steamed chicken


Health > Diet

Nutrition tonic | Chinese caterpillar fungus flowers steamed chicken

This is a very homely dish, which often appears on my table. It is simple and the chicken is fresh and tender. Cordyceps flowers can relieve asthma and cough, and have good effects on emphysema and tracheitis. It can also enhance physical strength, energy, and brain memory. Aug 31, 2024

About the recipes

This is a very homely dish, which often appears on my table. It is simple and the chicken is fresh and tender. Cordyceps flowers can relieve asthma and cough, and have good effects on emphysema and tracheitis. It can also enhance physical strength, energy, and brain memory.



Cordyceps militaris flower is a kind of artificially cultivated fruiting body of Cordyceps militaris, commonly known as Primula, belonging to fungi. Cordyceps flowers are rich in protein, amino acids and cordycepin. It is beneficial to the liver and kidney, replenishes the essence, and stops bleeding and phlegm. It is mainly used for the auxiliary treatment of vertigo, tinnitus, amnesia, weakness of the waist and knees, impotence, premature ejaculation, chronic cough, asthenia and asthma. The orange yellow cordyceps flower is crisp, tender and smooth. I like to make soup or steamed vegetables with chicken. It tastes very delicious and is a good health food to supplement nutrition loss in summer.



appropriate amount   ginger
appropriate amount   mushrooms
appropriate amount   Cordyceps flower
2   Chinese date
appropriate amount   Peanut oil
appropriate amount   salt
appropriate amount   starch
appropriate amount   White sugar
appropriate amount   Oyster sauce
appropriate amount   Rice Wine
appropriate amount   Light soy sauce
appropriate amount   White pepper powder


Cooking Steps

1、First step: material preparation
1. Shred ginger 2. Slice soaked mushrooms 3. Slice red dates 4. Cut chicken leg


2、Pour all seasonings (peanut oil, salt, soy sauce, oyster sauce, starch, sugar, white pepper, rice wine) and shredded ginger into the sliced chicken leg and mix well


3、Add cordyceps flowers, shredded shiitake mushrooms and sliced red dates and mix well


4、Spread the mixed ingredients on the plate, and spread the remaining 1/4 cordyceps flowers on the surface~

5、Pour cold water into the pot, steam for about 15 minutes after boiling, and then sprinkle chopped green onion out of the pot to start!

6、Steamed out, super sweet~!! The chicken skin is waxy and sticky, and the original Cordyceps flower is slightly sweet!






