Health > Diet

Stir fried Shrimp with Peas


Health > Diet

Stir fried Shrimp with Peas

Stir fried shrimps with peas is a home dish with high nutrition and good taste. It is a quick dish made with fresh shrimps as the main ingredient and peas. The pea is green, the shrimp is white, smooth and tender. It is delicious and has a unique flavor. May 16, 2024

About the recipes

Stir fried shrimps with peas is a home dish with high nutrition and good taste. It is a quick dish made with fresh shrimps as the main ingredient and peas. The pea is green, the shrimp is white, smooth and tender. It is delicious and has a unique flavor.


Peas can benefit the large intestine, protect vision, and beautify the skin. Peas are rich in nutrients, especially B vitamins. They also contain more carotene, vitamin C, inorganic salts and other nutrients. They can benefit the large intestine, protect vision, beautify the skin, and lose weight.
Shrimp can provide high-quality protein for the body; It can provide minerals such as calcium and iodine for the body; It can also invigorate the kidney and strengthen yang.
Both of them are often fried together, which can protect eyesight, beautify the skin, and strengthen the kidney and yang!



130 g peas
10   shrimp
3 g salt
8 g oil
8 g garlic


Cooking Steps

1、Prepare the main ingredients: remove the shells of peas and wash them, remove the shells of shrimps and remove the heads of shrimps, remove the skins of garlic and chop them up for use.

2、Add proper amount of water into the pot, boil the water and pour in the peas to cook.

3、Dry the water in the pot, add oil, add garlic and stir fry until fragrant, then add shrimp and stir fry until done.

4、Stir fry the shrimps, add peas and salt, stir fry for a while, and then put them on the plate. Is it easy? Really nutritious and delicious! You can try it if you like!

