Health > Knowledges

Eat less of this kind of food, be careful that the bones become more brittle, and there should be scientific methods to supplement calcium


Health > Knowledges

Eat less of this kind of food, be careful that the bones become more brittle, and there should be scientific methods to supplement calcium

In daily life, there are two kinds of food that may damage bones. If we don't want to make bones "brittle", we must eat as little as possible. Jun 01, 2024

In daily life, there are two kinds of food that may damage bones. If we don't want to make bones "brittle", we must eat as little as possible.

These two kinds of food must be eaten less

1、 Pickled vegetables
Many people like to eat steamed bread with pickled vegetables. Pickles contain a lot of salt. When the sodium ion in our body exceeds the standard, it will carry calcium ions out of the body.
Eating pickled vegetables often will lead to the loss of calcium in the body. Over time, it will pose a threat to bone health, so try to eat less pickled vegetables.

2、 Fat meat
Fat meat contains a lot of fat. If you eat too much and lack exercise at the same time, you will have excessive calories and elevated cholesterol content, which may affect the absorption of calcium and be harmful to bone health.


Be careful of osteoporosis

If the bone mineral density continues to decline, the bone strength will weaken and the brittleness will increase over time, and serious fractures may occur.

Osteoporosis usually has no obvious clinical manifestation in the early stage, so it is called "silent disease" or "silent epidemic". However, with the progress of the disease, bone mass is continuously lost and bone microstructure is destroyed. Patients will have bone pain, spinal deformation, and even osteoporosis fracture. Some patients had no clinical symptoms and were only diagnosed with osteoporosis after serious complications such as osteoporotic fracture.

For the elderly, to prevent osteoporosis, first of all, they should adhere to outdoor exercise and sunshine. They can eat more calcium rich foods such as milk / dairy products, bean products and green leafy vegetables. In addition, they should have regular physical examination to help find problems earlier.


Different people choose different calcium agents

If you are short of calcium, you should first consider dietary supplement. A reasonable and balanced diet is the first and fundamental way to supplement calcium. For people who can't get enough calcium from food, calcium supplement products can be considered.

When choosing calcium supplements, many people try to save trouble and let their families take the same calcium. In fact, for different ages and different reasons for calcium supplementation, the dosage form, dosage and process of calcium supplementation products will be different. Suitable calcium agents should be selected according to the physiological characteristics of the population. So, how should different groups supplement calcium? What should we pay attention to?

1、 Infants
Normal full-term newborns generally do not need calcium supplement within 6 months. If calcium supplement is required under the guidance of doctors due to special circumstances. Calcium supplements for infants should be suitable for infants, not adults.

2、 Children
Sufficient calcium supplementation is beneficial to the growth and development of children's bones, avoid bone changes and deformities caused by calcium deficiency, and prevent or delay the occurrence of osteoporosis in adulthood.

When children choose calcium, they should pay attention to the taste and composition of the dosage form. They can choose chewable tablets, let them chew and eat by themselves, and exercise their chewing function. The younger you are, the more picky you will feel about your mouth. Therefore, good calcium must be suitable for the taste of children, so that children can eat it and parents can feed it.

It is not recommended that calcium contains too much sugar, preferably sugar free ingredients, so as not to increase the risk of dental caries in children. Vitamin D contained in some calcium preparations can promote the absorption of calcium and enhance the effect of calcium supplementation.
Children are not miniaturized adults and cannot take adult calcium. Children's calcium supplement needs to use children's exclusive calcium.

3、 Pregnant women
Pregnant women need to provide a large amount of calcium to the fetus during pregnancy. The Chinese Nutrition Society suggests that pregnant women should take in 1000 mg / day of calcium every day from the 16th week. If there is no additional calcium supplement during pregnancy, the fetus will "selfishly" rob the calcium of the pregnant woman, affecting the health of the pregnant mother and the baby.

Some pregnant mothers will have constipation during pregnancy for many reasons, such as: food is too fine, water consumption is less, exercise is less, and defecation habits are poor. In this regard, experts said that pregnant mothers can choose calcium containing sorbitol, which helps alleviate constipation. In addition, choosing chewable calcium agents with good taste will also improve the sustainable feasibility of calcium supplementation for pregnant women.

4、 Middle aged and old people
Osteoporosis is a bone disease related to the growth of age. The prevalence rate of the elderly over 60 years old in China has increased significantly. Osteoporosis has increasingly become an important public health problem in China.

In addition to the decline in hormone levels caused by age factors, insufficient intake of calcium and vitamin D also affects bone metabolism to a certain extent. Proper amount of calcium combined with active vitamin D3 and vitamin K2 can effectively supplement calcium, prevent bone loss, improve muscle balance, reduce the risk of falls, and reduce the incidence of fractures.


Pay attention to calcium supplement

Good effect of calcium supplement after dinner: Generally speaking, taking calcium agent after dinner is the best time for human body to supplement calcium. According to the normal hormone secretion regulation, the calcium absorption rate of the human body is the highest at night.
Beware of overdose: calcium tablets supplement calcium quickly, but eating too much may cause side effects of excessive intake. Therefore, we should choose an appropriate amount of calcium agent according to our actual situation.

A reasonable and balanced diet is the fundamental to ensure calcium nutrition. People who can't get enough calcium from food, such as infants, pregnant women and the elderly, should choose appropriate calcium agents according to their own physiological characteristics. One bottle of calcium can't be filled by the whole family. It's necessary to distinguish people and select exclusive calcium tablets to supplement calcium scientifically.

