Health > Knowledges

Eat well, sleep well, exercise regularly... a healthy lifestyle will accompany you throughout your life


Health > Knowledges

Eat well, sleep well, exercise regularly... a healthy lifestyle will accompany you throughout your life

Everyone is the first responsible person for health and should adhere to a healthy lifestyle So, what is a healthy lifestyle, we can start from the following points Healthy diet Regular activities Stay away from tobacco Don't stay up late And stress relief Jun 05, 2024

Everyone is the first responsible person for health and should adhere to a healthy lifestyle
So, what is a healthy lifestyle, we can start from the following points
Healthy diet
Regular activities
Stay away from tobacco
Don't stay up late
And stress relief


Children and adolescents

Scientific diet and exercise, regular bedtime and getting up help healthy growth
It is very important for children and adolescents to maintain healthy living habits.

Reasonable diet, focusing on cereals, with whole grains accounting for at least 1/3 of the total. It is rich in vegetables and fruits, animal food (or fish, livestock, poultry, meat and eggs) and nuts should be moderate. It is necessary to often eat bean products, and insist on consuming dairy products (fresh milk, yogurt or cheese, etc.) equivalent to more than 300 grams of fresh milk every day.
Look at the label when buying food, and buy less snacks with high oil, salt and sugar. Eat a light diet, and eat less hot chips, potato chips, pickles, pickles and soy products. Drink plenty of plain water, do not drink or drink less sugary drinks, and stay away from alcohol.

Rely on scientific guidance and help, step by step, exercise moderately and regularly. Encourage more than one hour of moderate intensity exercise every day. Cultivate sports skills and interests, find suitable sports forms, persevere and form habits.
Reduce the sitting time, take the initiative to leave your seat for outdoor activities during the break, and pay attention to keeping active during the rest days and holidays.
Follow the rules, combine aerobic exercise with anaerobic exercise, and encourage all-round exercise in various forms. Take part in relaxed and cheerful collective sports and positive sports competitions.

From an early age, children and adolescents are trained to form good sleep habits, work and rest regularly, work and rest together, create a bedroom environment that is easy to sleep, relax before sleep, reduce stress, and ensure sleep time and sleep quality.



Balanced nutrition, moderate exercise and adequate sleep
Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is also important for older people. The elderly should pay attention to nutritional balance, sensory function, physical function, cognitive ability (including depression, stress and emotional needs), adequate sleep and environmental factors.

Three subtractions and three health benefits, balanced nutrition

Adequate protein intake is the primary measure to prevent and improve malnutrition. Protein intake should be evenly distributed in 3-5 meals every day, and the proportion of high-quality protein (including leucine, etc.) should account for at least 50%. If the appetite and digestion and absorption capacity of the elderly decline, they can take a small number of multiple meals to cook these high-quality protein foods soft and rotten by steaming, boiling, stewing, stewing, braising, etc., and arrange them in the daily menu.

In addition, the elderly often suffer from a variety of chronic diseases. The intake of salt and fat should be limited. The daily intake of salt should not exceed 5 grams, and the cooking oil should be 25 grams. Quantitative salt spoons and oil kettles can be used when preparing food. In addition, we should be alert to the intake of "invisible salt", such as soy sauce, bean paste, tofu milk and pickles. This kind of food has a high salt content, so the elderly should choose it carefully. The elderly should drink as little or no alcohol as possible. Alcohol in any form is not good for human health. At the same time, to control the intake of added sugar, it is recommended to choose less or no sugary processed foods, such as sweet drinks, biscuits, cakes, etc.

Persist in sports and exercise
The elderly should insist on aerobic exercise, resistance exercise and body coordination exercise, such as sitting and lifting legs, static squatting against the wall and pulling elastic bands; It is advisable to take part in more outdoor activities and increase the sunshine time.
Develop and adhere to a healthy lifestyle from now on!
