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What is tailbone pain? Nothing more than these 5 conditions!


Health > Knowledges

What is tailbone pain? Nothing more than these 5 conditions!

The last vertebra of the spine is the caudal vertebra, which has a greater range of motion than the male, especially during pregnancy. The caudal vertebrae themselves are protected by the tailbone, ligaments, anal sphincter and greater gluteal muscles. In men, the caudal vertebrae are located in a thicker position than the sit bones and provide some protection in the event of an impact. In women, however, the pelvic cavity is wider and flatter, making the tailbone susceptible to contusions when falling, which can cause pain. There are many causes of coccygeal pain, but they are related to the following factors. Aug 04, 2024

The last vertebra of the spine is the caudal vertebra, which has a greater range of motion than the male, especially during pregnancy. The caudal vertebrae themselves are protected by the tailbone, ligaments, anal sphincter and greater gluteal muscles. In men, the caudal vertebrae are located in a thicker position than the sit bones and provide some protection in the event of an impact. In women, however, the pelvic cavity is wider and flatter, making the tailbone susceptible to contusions when falling, which can cause pain. There are many causes of coccygeal pain, but they are related to the following factors.


What is the cause of coccyx pain?

1. Chronic inflammation of the coccygeal joint

Patients with chronic inflammation of the coccygeal joint do not only experience pain in the coccyx, but can also be accompanied by local swelling, pain and numbness. If the condition develops to a certain extent, it can affect squatting, causing pain in the lower limbs or abnormal urination and defecation, which requires immediate treatment. Antibiotics should be administered under medical supervision, together with Chinese herbal remedies to invigorate blood circulation and remove blood stasis, as well as warm physiotherapy and acupuncture, and external application of Chinese herbs. At the same time, pay more attention to rest and avoid putting too much pressure on the tailbone, and do not sit still for long periods of time.

2、Bone lesions

Bone lesions can lead to pain in the coccyx, which cannot be diagnosed by symptoms alone. In addition, after menopause in women, the bones can calcify and degenerate, leading to pain in the tailbone. In this case, it is necessary to regulate the pain with herbs or painkillers that activate the blood and relieve pain, or you can choose physiotherapy. You should pay more attention to maintenance, avoid straining your body too much, keep warm, pay more attention to rest and do not keep the same posture for a long time.

3. Herniated lumbar disc

The pain in the tailbone should be alerted to the nerve compression caused by a herniated lumbar disc, in which case you should go to the hospital for a lumbar CT. It is important to do self-exercise and strengthen the lumbar muscles to reduce the pain. Only by completely curing the problem of lumbar disc herniation can the symptoms of lumbar vertebrae pain be resolved.

4. Fall injury

Due to the low amount of fat in the caudal vertebrae area, an accidental fall can cause pain in the vertebrae. People who have fallen can feel general discomfort if they stand or sit in a hard chair for long periods of time, and need to change their sitting position frequently to relieve the pain. A fall can cause a variety of problems, such as a fracture or dislocation of the coccyx. Bleeding from subperiosteal soft tissue contusions can also cause periostitis, and immediate examination is required to check the severity of the fall. If the caudal vertebra is fractured or dislocated, you need to actively cooperate with the doctor's treatment; if the soft tissue contusion or suffering from periostitis, you need to pay more attention to rest on the local hot compresses and massage, which can effectively relieve the pain.

5. Bone growth

If the tailbone pain is reflected to the nerves on the bottom of the foot, nine times out of ten it is osteophytes. Osteomalacia can compress the nerve, thus causing pain, and also rub the adjacent nerves, bones and blood vessels, making the above parts inflamed and aggravating the pain. The pain can be reduced by applying local massage, heat or acupuncture. To date, there is no cure for osteophytes. Patients need to do a good job of regulating their lives, actively reducing their weight and doing appropriate exercise. Patients need to do a good job of managing their lives, actively reducing their weight and exercising appropriately, and eating less or no orange fruits, coffee, alcohol and sugar.


Warm Tips

In addition to the above, it may also be caused by the postpartum period. If the mother's pelvis is narrow or the fetal head is too large, the fetal head passing through the birth canal may squeeze through the caudal vertebrae during childbirth, thus causing damage to the muscles. Therefore, after giving birth, you should pay more attention to rest and keep your body warm to avoid pressure on the caudal vertebrae, and you can use hot compresses or massage to relieve the pain.
