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Do you have these symptoms when there are several warnings that your body is about to overdraw


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Do you have these symptoms when there are several warnings that your body is about to overdraw

The body is like an old scalper who works hard every day, but it also has a temper. If it touches his bottom line due to improper care, it will sound the alarm. Especially in front of the two enemies of pressure and aging, we should be extra vigilant. The following distress signals remind you that you must be careful. Jul 22, 2024

The body is like an old scalper who works hard every day, but it also has a temper. If it touches his bottom line due to improper care, it will sound the alarm. Especially in front of the two enemies of pressure and aging, we should be extra vigilant. The following distress signals remind you that you must be careful.

Become sensitive to light and noise
The human body is under pressure for a long time, and the nerves are highly tense. The brain is in a state of alert for a long time, and becomes very sensitive to the surrounding things. Once light and sound changes, the brain's "alarm" will be sounded.

❤ Suggestion: Take half an hour every day to completely empty yourself. On weekends, you can ask friends to go for a walk in the countryside, away from noise, so that the pressure can be released.

Shortness of breath and body aches
Long term and high load work will consume a lot of body energy, leading to soreness in muscles, cervical vertebrae and other parts. At the same time, the body's demand for oxygen increases, leading to shortness of breath.

❤ Suggestion: Daily deep breathing exercise can relieve pressure and improve the oxygen content of the body. The most scientific way of breathing is to "inhale - stop (hold your breath for 10-20 seconds) - exhale", inhale deeply as far as possible, and then spit out forcefully. Three times a day in the morning, noon and evening, each time for 10 minutes.

Like to talk to oneself
Long term high load operation will make people feel anxious, helpless and afraid, thus causing people to pay special attention to the ideas and opinions of others, and deeply afraid that their words and deeds will cause unnecessary trouble. At this time, everyone will subconsciously pursue safety, and the performance of men and women is different. Men tend to be alone and digest their own pressure, while women prefer to express their feelings, become nagging or garrulous, and even often talk to themselves.

❤ Suggestion: Turn off your mobile phone and computer, occasionally stay away from outside things, and properly adjust your requirements. This is an effective way to calm down and relieve pressure.

A sweet tooth
With high pressure, the body consumes more energy, and the desire for energy will become more, so it will become fond of sweets such as candy and cake, and the euphoria brought by eating sweets can also eliminate anxiety to a certain extent. Many people will become overeating, which will stimulate the digestive system, leading to constipation, diarrhea and other problems.

❤ Suggestion: When you want to eat sweets, you may want to try to distract yourself, or eat some healthy snacks such as fruits and nuts to satisfy your appetite.

Ordinary jobs seem difficult
Under pressure, people's ability to control and analyze information will be affected. At this time, the work that usually looks ordinary will make people feel powerless. Stress will indeed reduce people's attention and reaction speed, thus affecting work efficiency.

❤ Suggestion: In the face of "difficult" work, we can do it step by step and reduce the requirements appropriately. In case of low work efficiency and easy to make small mistakes, the work order can be adjusted, and daily routine work can be handled first. If this is the case for a long time, it is better to consider taking a vacation to make timely adjustment.

Less sleep, easy to fall asleep during the day
Stress will seriously affect the quality of sleep, resulting in insomnia or sleep too shallow, and it is easy to fall asleep during the day. At the same time, after entering the age of 60, people's sleep time will also be reduced and their sleep quality will gradually decline. After entering the old age, all functions of the human body enter the recession period, and the weakening of the function also makes people have higher requirements for the sleep environment, so the sleep is easily affected by the outside world, and then weakened.

❤ Suggestions: Different people should be different when facing sleep problems. Young people can adjust themselves to sleep problems caused by stress first, such as deep breathing before sleep, meditation, turning off mobile phones and computers and other electronic devices, to create a good sleep atmosphere. At the same time, it can also increase the amount of exercise, pay attention to diet, and eat less or not before sleep; The elderly should treat insomnia scientifically, and do not worry because they cannot sleep. If they cannot sleep well at night, they can moderately supplement sleep at noon. Moderate exercise every day also helps improve sleep quality.

Always want to go to the toilet
It is a normal reaction that people always want to go to the toilet when they are nervous. But there is also a situation that needs to be noticed: the frequent getting up at night and inability to hold back urine may not only be caused by pressure, but also may be a distress signal sent out when the body is getting old. Since the age of 50, the number of people getting up at night has increased significantly. This is because bladder aging accelerates from the age of 40, and some people are difficult to "control" the bladder at the age of 65. When women enter menopause, the decrease of estrogen level will lead to thinner and weaker urethral tissue, and the decline of bladder support function, which may also lead to incontinence of urine.

❤ Suggestion: To prevent bladder aging, it is necessary to develop the habit of not holding urine, especially for teachers, drivers and other professional groups. Don't drink water 2 hours before going to bed, and don't drink too much coffee, tea and other drinks 4 hours before going to bed.


Frequent shaking of hands is called "idiopathic tremor" in medicine, and 20% of the elderly over 65 years old will have this problem. Most people have mild hand tremor, so they don't need to pay too much attention to it. But if it affects their daily life, they can take symptomatic treatment.

❤ Suggestion: tremor of hands may also be the signal of Parkinson's syndrome, hyperthyroidism, stroke and other diseases, so it is better to seek medical advice in time to determine the cause.

Teeth grow
Some people's teeth will "grow" after the age of 40, which is actually an alarm given by teeth. Generally speaking, people's teeth begin to change color around the age of 30, and the enamel becomes thinner; At the age of 40, the gums began to atrophy, and the roots gradually exposed. The length of teeth sometimes increased by about 6mm compared with that of young people. In addition, when eating stimulating food, the teeth ache, the teeth become brittle, cracks appear, the gums become red and swollen, accompanied by bleeding, and the teeth become loose are all signs of aging.

❤ Suggestion: Thorough brushing and flossing can help prevent gingival atrophy and maintain tooth health. In addition, oral hygiene should be carefully cleaned. Brushing teeth should not be done carelessly. Oral health is not only related to the whole digestive system, but also increases the probability of inducing heart disease and hypertension if the oral condition is poor.

Sound change
The vocal cartilage of men around 70 years old began to thin, the stability of vocal cords became worse, the frequency of voice production became higher, and the voice of speaking might become sharper. Because of the lack of estrogen, the vocal cords of postmenopausal women tend to swell, leading to a low voice.

❤ Suggestion: Avoid excessive use of voice in life, eat less spicy and stimulating food and drink more water to avoid damaging vocal cords.
