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The best-looking bird in the world: The peacock with an open screen


Anecdote > Odd

The best-looking bird in the world: The peacock with an open screen

There are countless birds around the world, and I'm afraid there are only a few that people are familiar with. So what is the best looking bird in everyone's mind? What kind of birds are the best looking in the world? Aug 14, 2024

The most beautiful bird in the world

The most beautiful bird in the world belongs to the peacock. After opening its tail screen, it can show different colors, which makes people feel beautiful. There are many poems describing the peacock in ancient Chinese literati, which is enough to prove the beauty of the peacock. Except for China, other countries There are also many praises for the beauty of peacocks, so the best looking bird in the world is the peacock.


Peacock's appearance characteristics

Peacock body length can be up to two meters, and its tail screen accounts for three-quarters or 1.5 meters, the top of the peacock's head is emerald green, its body feathers are blue-green shape belongs to the sharp shape, the tail feathers are very long, after unfolding can form a tail screen, bright colors look very beautiful, while the real tail feathers of the peacock is very short, the color is black-brown, and the tail screen The tail screen is only for male peacocks, female peacocks do not have a tail screen. There are three colors of peacocks, blue peacocks generally live in India and Sri Lanka, while green peacocks live in East Asia, and some white peacocks are white.


Peacock life habits

Peacocks like to live in tropical and subtropical areas below 2,000 meters above sea level, where there are evergreen broad-leaved forests, and they like to live in open grasslands, rivers, and open savannas. They are omnivorous and will eat insects, ants, fruits and other food besides plants, and they will also eat crops. In addition, do you know if the peacock is a female or a male? In fact, it is a male that opens its screen in order to court a mate.

The blue peacock is not at risk of extinction, while the green peacock is decreasing year by year and needs to be saved by taking certain measures, otherwise it will be on the verge of extinction, while the Congo peacock is very scarce and has poor reproductive capacity, leading to the future of this species is not optimistic, although the peacock is beautiful, but without a suitable living environment it will also go extinct.

Peacocks are beautiful, in order to protect this beauty, we need to take care of the natural environment, no matter how big or small our actions are, we should start from small things, so that a stone can stir up a thousand layers of waves to produce the butterfly effect.
