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Are you clear about these two key points of yoga bhajana? It will give you a stronger foundation


Fitness > Knowledge

Are you clear about these two key points of yoga bhajana? It will give you a stronger foundation

The Sanskrit name for the style of bhajana is suryanamaskara and it is the foundation of yoga practice. We know that if the foundation is strong, the upper structure will be very stable. Therefore, if we first master the bhajana style and understand its essence, we will be able to better appreciate the benefits that come from the myriad of postures and breathing methods. May 11, 2024

The Sanskrit name for the style of bhajana is suryanamaskara and it is the foundation of yoga practice. We know that if the foundation is strong, the upper structure will be very stable. Therefore, if we first master the bhajana style and understand its essence, we will be able to better appreciate the benefits that come from the myriad of postures and breathing methods.

Ashtanga yoga was developed with the Byzantine style in mind and it is well known that many yoga schools have been influenced by Ashtanga yoga. What everyone needs to know is that Byzantine yoga encompasses all the important elements of the practice of yoga - the physical, philosophical and spiritual foundations. More specifically, these elements are the tandem postures, the inhalation, exhalation, the point of gaze, the inward retreat and meditation, without the application of these elements, Bhajana would be no different from any other sport. When you practice yoga bhajana, you should pay attention to these details and feel their impact on your practice; they are an integral part of your practice.

The two main elements of Bayonetta style yoga are.


1. Tandem asanas

The Sanskrit name vinyasa (tandem postures), consisting of "vi" and "nyasa", means "specific" and "position ".

These two phrases together mean that the practice is carefully designed, vinyasa being "a system of combined breathing and movement", where breathing and movement are strictly coordinated throughout the practice.

When the breath is strong and in harmony with movement, the flow of the breath will continue throughout the bhajana exercise, which increases our vitality, strength, flexibility and concentration.

2. Point of Gaze

The point of gaze is where the eyes look during the practice and it helps to open the body (the physical body and the mental body, the outer body and the inner body). Overall, this is to strengthen your concentration during the practice and to keep your mind on a certain point.

Are you clear about these two key points of Yoga Bhajana? Mastering these two points will give you a more solid foundation.
