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Before exercising, ask yourself if your body is ready?


Fitness > Knowledge

Before exercising, ask yourself if your body is ready?

You can't start exercising blindly, and you must be well prepared before exercising, otherwise you will be easily injured Jul 28, 2024

"100 pounds of iron or 100 pounds of women, who weighs? The 100 pound woman weighs ...... Because she will misrepresent her weight!" Women such higher creatures, then thin will feel fat.

Exercise is one of the ways to make you perfect, the details are one of the factors that determine your success or failure, about the preparation and precautions before exercise you have mastered?

What to eat?

Eat before exercise is very delicate, to ensure that there is enough fuel to provide energy for the body, but also to avoid indigestible food to increase the burden on the stomach. So what exactly should we eat before exercise?

One hour before exercise, try not to over-eat fat, meat and other indigestible food, and properly supplement some carbohydrates.

For example, high GI foods, toast, rice, noodles, potatoes, you can also eat some apples, oranges, bananas and other fruits.

How much to drink?

Water in the human body accounts for 65% to 70%, that is, a 100 pounds of people, his body has about 70 pounds of water. Blood contains the highest amount of water, accounting for about 90%, and the muscles contain about 75% of the water.

Do not belittle the importance of water, water cleanses the body of unwanted waste and increases muscle strength to provide body capacity.

The human body needs 1500 ML of water every day, half an hour before exercise, drink about 500 ML of water to prevent sweat loss body dehydration.

Warm-up actions:

A good warm-up can improve muscle temperature, body temperature and accelerate blood flow, while your tendons can also be loosened, in this case the muscle can play the best performance, stretching training before exercise should be maintained at 15min-20min.

Warming up allows your body to get into shape early, either by trotting and jumping to get your body warmed up, or by doing simple stretches.

Try to choose dynamic stretching. The benefit of dynamic stretching is that the synovial fluid can be squeezed out, improving joint lubrication and enhancing movement flexibility.

Specific plan:

Many people choose to exercise just from the guilt of gluttony, without a specific plan for exercise. Before exercising, set clear goals, times and movements.

Are you aiming for fat loss or muscle gain? What kind of results do you hope to achieve today? How long do you plan for yourself to exercise? These questions must be prepared before exercise!


Fitness and drinking:
Never work out after drinking! Exactly and accelerate blood circulation, after strenuous exercise is easy to induce hypertension, cerebral hemorrhage and other diseases, are you afraid?

Fitness and smoking:
Smoking is prohibited within 30min after exercise, blood circulation will promote the absorption of nicotine, smoking a cigarette ingestion of two nicotine, you lose or not?

Fitness and bathing:
Do not take a shower immediately after exercise, wait for the sweat to gradually dissipate before showering, the water temperature to avoid too high, causing a decline in human immune function!


