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How to tailor a fitness programme that suits you?


Fitness > Knowledge

How to tailor a fitness programme that suits you?

We know that it's not just cardio that you need to do when working out, but also strengthening strength training. Jun 10, 2024

We know that it's not just cardio that you need to do when working out, but also strengthening strength training.

There are many benefits to sticking to strength training, and different fitness movements have different workout effects. The barbell and dumbbell bench press can exercise the pectoral muscles, the pull-up can exercise the back muscles, while the deep squat and lunge squat can exercise the lower limb muscles.


Today I am going to introduce the lunge squat, which is a little more difficult than the deep squat and requires a higher level of balance.

As the saying goes: 10 squats are better than 5 lunges. Beginners can start with unassisted squats and gradually improve their muscle strength. If you find that you are becoming more comfortable with squats, you can switch to lunge squats for a better workout.


So, what are the benefits of 100 lunge squats a day and what will you gain if you stick to it for a long time?

1, lunge squat training can strengthen the thighs and buttocks muscle groups, driving the development of the waist and abdominal muscle groups together, helping you to improve the shape of the buttocks, away from flat buttocks, sagging buttocks, improve the ratio of buttocks and legs, shaping a good-looking lower limb curve.

2Lunge squat training can exercise your body balance, lower limb stability and explosive power, strengthen your lung capacity and improve your sports performance, which will help to enhance your fitness ability.

3, lunge squat training can strengthen the lower limb muscle groups, muscle growth can enhance the body's basal metabolic value, promote calorie consumption, help the development of a lean physique, improve fat burning efficiency.

4, lunge squat training can promote testosterone secretion, and testosterone is the main body secretion of a hormone, with the age of the body testosterone levels will gradually decline, male physical strength will also be weakened, the charm index will also decline. And insisting on lunge squats can boost testosterone levels and enhance men's charm.


5, lunge squat training can promote blood circulation, help improve the cold legs, but also improve the flexibility of the lower limb joints, strengthen the pelvis, improve the back pain and other sedentary diseases, improve the body health index

6. Lunge squat training can prevent osteoporosis, improve bone density and effectively resist the speed of ageing, allowing you to keep your legs toned and maintain an energetic, youthful state.


How to do scientific lunge squat training?

We need to learn a standard posture and start with unassisted lunge squats, with the feet 2 shoulder widths apart, keeping the body balanced and the knees no higher than the toes. Avoid inward knee buckling when squatting and keep your back knees off the ground.

Repeat the lunge squat for 15 reps, switch to the other leg and then take a break before moving on to the next set. Lunge squats do not need to be done every day, just once every 3 days to improve muscle growth.
