Health > Diet

Dispelling Dampness in Spring -- Spareribs Soup with Rhizoma Smilacis Glabrae and Coix seed and Semen Euryales


Health > Diet

Dispelling Dampness in Spring -- Spareribs Soup with Rhizoma Smilacis Glabrae and Coix seed and Semen Euryales

Spring, one of the four seasons, represents warmth and growth. In spring, the yin and yang qi began to convert. All things sprouted and grew with the rising of Yang qi, and the earth presented a warm image of spring. Spring is a season which more suitable for dispelling dampness, so let's learn how to cook a healthy dispelling dampness spareribs soup Jun 20, 2024

About the recipes

Spring, one of the four seasons, represents warmth and growth. In spring, the yin and yang qi began to convert. All things sprouted and grew with the rising of Yang qi, and the earth presented a warm image of spring. Spring is a season which more suitable for dispelling dampness, so let's learn how to cook a healthy dispelling dampness spareribs soup



Rhizoma Smilacis Glabrae(Tufuling) has the effects of detoxifying, dehumidifying, dredging joints, etc. Coix seed has high nutritional and medicinal value. Apart from being rich in high-quality proteins, carbohydrates, fats, mineral elements and vitamins, it's also abundant in polysaccharides, fatty acids and their esters compounds, flavonoids compounds, triterpenoids compounds and various active ingredients. It has the effects of lowering blood sugar, resisting tumor, scavenging free radicals, etc.



20 g Coix seed
15 g Candied date
250 g Pork ribs
100 g Smilax glabra
20 g Semen euryales


Cooking Steps

1、Prepare all the materials and clean Rhizoma Smilacis Glabrae


2、Clean Coix seed and semen euryales.


3、First, drain the spareribs. Add ginger flakes and boil the water. Then add the spareribs, and finally drain the blood.


4、Change a pot of fresh water and add all the materials in turn.


5、After the high heat boils, turn to low heat and cook for about 1.5 hours. The soup will continue to boil, slowly releasing the original flavor of the ingredients. Taste it, sweet and mellow.
