Health > Diet

Asparagus salad


Health > Diet

Asparagus salad

Asparagus is a kind of fresh food with its own flavor, which is loved by people all over the world. It tastes crisp, tastes fresh and sweet, looks lovely, and has excellent performance in both Chinese and Western food. Asparagus has the reputation of the king of vegetables. Its nutrition is higher than that of ordinary vegetables and fruits. Among many ingredients, asparagus, which is rich in dietary fiber for clearing intestines and stomach, but is so tender and delicious, can be called the first. Its low fat and low heat characteristics make it a favorite of the fat reducing people. May 11, 2024

About the recipes

Asparagus is a kind of fresh food with its own flavor, which is loved by people all over the world. It tastes crisp, tastes fresh and sweet, looks lovely, and has excellent performance in both Chinese and Western food. Asparagus has the reputation of the king of vegetables. Its nutrition is higher than that of ordinary vegetables and fruits. Among many ingredients, asparagus, which is rich in dietary fiber for clearing intestines and stomach, but is so tender and delicious, can be called the first. Its low fat and low heat characteristics make it a favorite of the fat reducing people.


Asparagus has the effects of improving immunity, clearing away heat, diuresis and lowering blood fat. Asparagus contains a lot of vitamins, as well as trace elements such as iron, selenium, manganese, and various essential amino acids. The selenium content of asparagus is higher than that of ordinary vegetables, and even comparable to that of sea fish, sea shrimp and other foods.



150 g asparagus
15 ml Light soy sauce
3 g sugar
1 g salt
15 g Minced garlic
5 g chopped green onion
5 g Pepper
20 m'l vegetable oil


Cooking Steps

1、Make the sauce first. Put soy sauce, sugar, salt, and 15g water in a bowl, and stir until the sugar and salt dissolve.

2、Boil asparagus. After the water in the pot is boiled, add asparagus and salt from the bottom, blanch them on low to medium heat for 2 minutes, remove them and rinse them with cold boiled water or cold purified water for standby.

3、Put asparagus on the plate, pour seasonings in turn, and then put garlic, chopped green onion, and chopped chilli.

4、Heat the oil until 70% or 80% hot until there is smoke on the oil surface. Pour the oil over the chopped green onion and garlic and stir fry until fragrant.




